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Slovene to Slovakian Translation Jobs

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Slovenian, Croatian, Czech and Slovak speakers needed for voice over jobs: Job 00071732

Source language(s): English, Croatian, Slovakian, Czech, Slovene
Target language(s): Croatian, English, Slovakian, Czech, Slovene

Details of the project: Hello Partner,

Greetings! I hope you are doing well!!

We are expecting a new voice over project in multiple european languages.

Project details:

Task: Voice over.
Language: Croatian, Czech, Slovak & Slovenian.
Length: 10 hours of audio output expected.
Gender: Male and female.

The script will be provided by us in the above specified languages.

If you are interested in being a part of this project, please share with us your pre-recorded sample for quality analysis.

This job is: already available.

We want to pay for this job: [please quote]

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 05/15/2024

This posting to be kept / deleted: Keep this ad at the site permanently

Contact person: [Hidden by TD]
Company name: [Hidden by TD]
Country: India

Website: [Hidden by TD]
IP: (Gurgaon, India)
Posted on: Saturday, 27 Apr 2024, 10:18:08

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 8

Looking for interpreters: Slovak <> Slovenian, Slovak <> English, Slovak <> Bosnian: Job 00063416

Source language(s): Slovakian
Target language(s): Slovene, English, Bosnian

Details of the project: Slovak <> English, Slovak <> Bosnian, Slovak <> Slovenian interpreters needed.

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job [please quote]

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 10/17/2022

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]

[Website address hidden]
IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 16 Sep 2022, 14:02:11

This job has been closed.

Seeking SLO/CRO/SER/ENG<>SK translators for various fields: Job 00036107

Source language(s): Slovene, Czech, English, Serbian, Croatian, Slovakian
Target language(s): Slovakian

Details of the project: We are looking for the highly professional translators for various fields for the following language combinations:


We offer:
• work from home,
• honorary work,
• regular monthly payments,
• long-term cooperation
If the translation is your profession and you want to work in this field, please apply to

If you fulfil all the requirements, it will be our pleasure to lead you through the further steps of the selection process.

This job is potential.

Special requirements to the applicants: CAT tools (TRADOS, MemoQ),
• at least 3 years of translation experiences
• Microsoft Office - excellent use
• respect of client's instructions,
• respect of deadlines,
• reliability, responsibility and precision in work

We will pay for this job 0.07 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 10/07/2016

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Aleksandra Dimic
Alkemist Translation Company
Czech Republic

IP: (Beograd, Serbia)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 30 Sep 2016, 12:33:42

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

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