Gabriel Translations and Services Ltd and its sister company ANA Lokalize LLC are currently expanding their teams of Automotive-Marketing translators and editors for ongoing MTPE projects with daily assignments for the following language pairs:
German to Paris French
German to Canadian French
German to Polish
German to Italian
German to Turkish
German to Slovak
German to Swedish
German to BR Portuguese
German to Spanish
German to Romanian
Requirements: experience in automotive-marketing.
Proficiency in Trados. Ability to work under pressure for daily deliveries.
This job is: already available.
Special requirements to the applicants: Trados.
Outstanding writing skills.
Sample text (50 to 200 words): Die beiden Varianten Mercedes-AMG A 35 4MATIC und A 45 S 4MATIC+ als Kompaktlimousine bieten die ideale Kombination aus Performance und Alltagsnutzen.
We want to pay for this job: 0.07 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers only
Deadline for applying: 09/01/2023
This posting to be kept / deleted: Keep this ad at the site permanently
Special requirements to the applicants: Trados is a must
Awesome writing skills
Auto-motive-marketing experience
Sample text (50 to 200 words): Vollelektrische Mobilität, besonders wenn das Fahrzeug mit Grünstrom betrieben wird, bedeutet keine lokalen CO2-Emissionen bei der Fahrt, eine beinahe lautlose Fortbewegung sowie ein direktes Ansprechverhalten
We want to pay for this job: 0.06 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers only
Deadline for applying: 09/01/2023
This posting to be kept / deleted: Keep this ad at the site permanently
Contact person:Mr. Atangana Company name:Gabriel Translations & Services Ltd Country: Cameroon
Website: IP: (N/A) Posted on: Thursday, 31 Aug 2023, 23:52:51
Number of applications already submitted for this job: 3
Special requirements to the applicants: Trados is a must
Awesome writing skills
Auto-motive-marketing experience
Sample text (50 to 200 words): Vollelektrische Mobilität, besonders wenn das Fahrzeug mit Grünstrom betrieben wird, bedeutet keine lokalen CO2-Emissionen bei der Fahrt, eine beinahe lautlose Fortbewegung sowie ein direktes Ansprechverhalten
We want to pay for this job: 0.07 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers only
Deadline for applying: 09/01/2023
This posting to be kept / deleted: Keep this ad at the site permanently
Contact person:Mr. Atangana Company name:Gabriel Translations & Services Ltd Country: Cameroon
Website: IP: (N/A) Posted on: Thursday, 31 Aug 2023, 23:43:10
Number of applications already submitted for this job: 2
Source language(s): German Target language(s): Slovene
Details of the project: Ansh Intertrade Pvt Ltd is an ISO 9001-2015 QMS translation company based in India, with branch offices in Singapore, Myanmar, Japan, Vietnam, USA, UAE, Africa, Germany and Russia.
Currently, we are looking for a translator from German to Slovenian.
Details of the project: A leading globalization and translation firm is seeking medical linguists.
If you are interested, please submit your resume, and tell us more about your experience in the areas listed below. Mainly, how many years of experience you have and what your top two areas of expertise are.
a) Consumer Devices
b) Dental
c) Hospital Equipment
d) Imaging & Radiotherapy
e) IVD
f) Orthopedics
g) Software Manuals
h) Surgical Instruments
i) Vascular Intervention
Thank you!
This job is already available.
Special requirements to the applicants: 3+ years of medical translation experience.
Source language(s): German
Target language(s): Slovene, Slovakian, Czech
Details of the project: Hi,
This is to kindly bring to your notice that our HONEY translations company is looking for freelance translators for the above mentioned language pairs for an upcoming project.
If you are interested to work with us as a freelancer, please forward your resume. Please specify how much you expect us to charge you for a word to translate and also attach a sample document you have translated before.
The rates are negotiable.
This job is potential.
Special requirements to the applicants: Good experience.
We will pay for this job 0.05 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers only
Deadline for applying: 02/11/2017
Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline
Source language(s): German
Target language(s): Slovene
Details of the project: Dear colleagues
We have a short text to translate from German to Slovenian.
Sourcewords: 242 - Word file
The translation must be intend for printing on packages. Therefore we need a ready for print translation.
Delivery: Tuesday, 21 June, 2016, 11:00 am by email
Looking forward to read from you, we remain
with kind regards,
Katharina Weber
This job is already available.
Special requirements to the applicants: Pls only native speakers.
Sample text (50 to 200 words): Die einzigartige Formel schafft eine harte und langanhaltende, wetterfeste und reinigungsmittelresistente Hochglanzschutzschicht gegen Umwelteinflüsse. Die glatte, schmutzabweisende Schicht hält die Scheinwerfer länger sauber
We will pay for this job 0.09 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies
Deadline for applying: 06/21/2016
Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline
Details of the project: Hello here, I’m Noe Tissot, CEO of InstanT, a French start up that proposes an app allowing live interpretation with real interpreters.
In one month we’ll release the Android version and before that we need plenty interpreters register and get ready for the moment the service is open to customers. Do you want to be part of it? Depending on whether you’re a professional or an amateur you can be paid 1$ or 0,5$ per minute. Work from anywhere, at anytime, what you need is only a smartphone!
We are already working with more than 500 interpreters but we still need more in order to achieve our vision: an app that is used in all sort of situation in order to break down language barrier.
Sounds interesting? You can get more informations on our website
Source language(s): German
Target language(s): All languages
Details of the project: Es handelt sich um die Übersetzung einer Bedienungsanleitung für einen Kunden von uns. Zur Auswahl des Übersetzers ist eine Probeübersetzung von ca. 100 Wörtern erforderlich. Bitte geben Sie Ihren Preis pro Wort oder pro Normzeile ab.
Unsere Übersetzungsagentur befindet sich im Aufbau und hat noch keine Webseite.
Source language(s): German
Target language(s): Czech, Slovakian, Slovene
Details of the project: Details of the project: We are a translation service provider and need translators for projects from German to various languages such as Czech, Slovak, and Slovenian for on-going translation projects. Your prompt response is appreciated.
We look for long term cooperation with you. If you are experienced translators of these language pairs, pls submit your CV through and check our translation project info on-line.
Special requirements to the applicants: At least 2 year's translation experience;
Native translator required;
We will pay for this job 0.05 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers only
Deadline for applying: 04/13/2012
Keep this ad at the site permanently
Hong Kong
IP: (Lansing, United States) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Wednesday, 11 Apr 2012, 09:04:26
Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0
If you can't find here the job announcement you have been notified about or you had seen here before, that means the job has been closed already or the posting was spam or another unacceptable material.