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Divehi to English Translation Jobs

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Ansh Intertrade Pvt. Ltd. is looking for an English to Divehi (Maldivian) translator: Job 00071123

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Ansh Intertrade Pvt Ltd is an ISO 9001-2015 QMS translation
company based in India, with branch offices in Singapore, Myanmar, Japan, Vietnam, USA, UAE, Africa, Germany and Russia.

Currently, we are looking for an English to Maldivian (Divehi) translator.

Thanks & Regards,

Tia Karmakar
Phone no: +91-9599554158
Website: www.ansh.com

This job is: already available.

We want to pay for this job: 0.10 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 04/22/2024

This posting to be kept / deleted: Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Contact person: Poonam Lamba
Company name: Ansh Intertrade Pvt. Ltd.
Country: India

Website: www.ansh.com
IP: (Delhi, India)
Posted on: Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024, 13:58:55

This job has been closed.

Transcripta Hub is urgently hiring freelancers for transcription jobs: Job 00071076

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: In this project, we have a number of agent - customer recorded audio files. All audios are in English.

We are only interested in the agent's speech in the audio.

Note that a transcript is already made available for each audio file you open, however, the transcript is not perfect and it is mostly in a clean verbatim form while we are interested in verbal or full verbatim transcription.

We only create the transcription segment for the Agent Speaker(s) and nothing else.

We want to pay 10 USD to 15 USD per agent speech transcribed.

Apply only by filling the forms from the link below:


Recruiter: Ms. Davida Prempeh
Transcripta Hub

This job is: already available.

Special requirements to the applicants: 1. Basic understanding of the text annotation, segmentation, timestamp.

2. Ability to work full time, however we may consider a part time worker who can work on at least 5 audio files a day. The audio can be as short as 4 minutes long.

3. Ability to follow our transcription guidelines carefully.

We want to pay for this job: 15 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 06/30/2024

This posting to be kept / deleted: Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Contact person: Ms. Davida
Company name: Transcripta Hub
Country: Ghana

IP: (Ghana)
Posted on: Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024, 17:35:48

This job has been closed.

We are seeking skilled talent to expand our database: Job 00069388

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: We are a leading international business company providing different crowd / data management services.

We work on different data collection services (speech, text, image, video, or mix), translation, transcription, and so on.

We are seeking skilled talent to expand our database to assist us in various projects.

This job is: already available.

We want to pay for this job: 10 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 09/30/2023

This posting to be kept / deleted: Keep this ad at the site permanently

Contact person: [Hidden by TD]
Company name: [Hidden by TD]
Country: USA

IP: (Kanda, Japan)
Posted on: Wednesday, 13 Sep 2023, 10:55:08

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 202

A Divehi to English translator needed - please apply: Job 00069000

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Ansh Intertrade Pvt Ltd is an ISO 9001-2015 QMS translation company based in India, with branch offices in Singapore, Myanmar, Japan, Vietnam, USA, UAE, Africa, Germany and Russia.

Currently, we are looking for a Divehi to English translator for our project.

Thanks & Regards,

Tia Karmakar

Phone no: +91-9599554158
Website: www.ansh.com

This job is: already available.

We want to pay for this job: 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 10/24/2023

This posting to be kept / deleted: Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Contact person: Poonam Lamba
Company name: Ansh Intertrade Pvt. Ltd.
Country: India

Website: www.ansh.com
IP: (India)
Posted on: Wednesday, 23 Aug 2023, 13:56:27

This job has been closed.

Seeking translators of all languages to English: Job 00067948

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Greetings of the day!

This is Shiva from Sri Sai Translations.

We have a regular project of direct video to English translations.

We have regular tasks weekly. Every time the volume is either 10 min or 20 min.

We are creating a new team for these specific tasks.

Language pairs: All languages to English
Duration: 1 year
Start: Ongoing

Note: Only timecode files will be provided. No SRT will be provided.

Deadline: Same day delivery [Mandatory].

Note: Same kind of videos will be coming always. The purpose of the work is to reduce / ban sensitive and hate videos in public.

If interested, kindly fill the form:



This job is: already available.

We want to pay for this job: 15 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 09/15/2023

This posting to be kept / deleted: Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Contact person: Sushmita
Company name: Sri Sai Translations
Country: India

Website: www.srisaitranslations.in
IP: (Dortmund, Germany)
Posted on: Friday, 16 Jun 2023, 14:46:45

This job has been closed.

Ansh Intertrade Pvt Ltd is looking for a Divehi (Maldivian) to English translator: Job 00066260

Source language(s): Divehi, Sinhalese
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Ansh Intertrade Pvt Ltd is an ISO 9001-2015 QMS translation company based in India, with branch offices in Singapore, Myanmar, Japan, Vietnam, USA, UAE, Africa, Germany and Russia.

Currently, we are looking for a translator for our Divehi (Maldivian) to English project.

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 03/24/2023

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Tia Karmakar
Ansh Intertrade Pvt. Ltd.

IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 24 Feb 2023, 13:59:12

This job has been closed.

We are looking for English native speakers for a job: Job 00062522

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: We are looking for English native speakers for an edition project.

Editors of academic / non-fiction books in English.

Send me your CV as soon as possible.

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 08/31/2022

Keep this ad at the site permanently

[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]

IP: (Lahti, Finland)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Tuesday, 26 Jul 2022, 17:41:53

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 110

Native English editors needed: Job 00062478

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: English native speakers.

Editor of academic/non-fiction books in English.

Knowledge of foreign languages is not necessary, the main thing is to be a native speaker of English.

Experience in editing non-fiction books is required.

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 07/31/2022

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]

IP: (Finland)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Saturday, 23 Jul 2022, 22:29:13

This job has been closed.

Divehi (Maldivian) to English work - please apply!: Job 00062464

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: We need Divehi (Maldivian) to English translators - please apply!

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.05 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 08/23/2022

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]

[Website address hidden]
IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 22 Jul 2022, 09:01:59

This job has been closed.

English editors needed for a new project (native speakers of English): Job 00062458

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: New project.

English native speakers.

Editors of academic / non-fiction books in English are needed.

Knowledge of foreign languages is not necessary, the main thing is to be a native speaker of English.

Experience in editing non-fiction books is required.

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 07/31/2022

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]

IP: (Helsinki, Finland)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 21 Jul 2022, 19:10:00

This job has been closed.

Recruiting a translator for Divehi to English work: Job 00061016

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: We're recruiting a translator for Divehi to English work - please apply!

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.05 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 05/30/2022

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]

[Website address hidden]
IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 29 Apr 2022, 08:22:47

This job has been closed.

A Divehi to English translator required: Job 00059425

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: A Divehi to English translator required.

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job [to be specified]

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 02/23/2022

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

[Company name hidden]

[Website address hidden]
IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Monday, 31 Jan 2022, 12:25:55

This job has been closed.

We need all rare languages' translators for ongoing collaboration: Job 00059138

Source language(s): Abkhazian, Adyghe, Afar, Afrikaans, Akan, Amharic, Anuak, Aragonese, Aramaic, Assamese, Avaric, Avestan, Aymara, Bajuni, Balanta, Balinese, Bambara, Bashkir, Bassa, Bemba, Benin, Berber, Bhojpuri, Bihari, Bislama, Bodo, Breton, Burmese, Buryat, Chamorro, Chechen, Cherokee, Cherepon, Chuvash, Comorian (Shikomor), Cornish, Corsican, Cree, Creole, Dagbani, Deccani, Dinka, Divehi, Dogri, Dyula, Dzongkha, Ewe, Fang, Fanti, Faroese, Fioti, Fijian, Fon, Frisian, Fulah, Fuzhou, Galician, Garre, Gondi, Guarani, Gurung, Haitian, Hawaiian, Herero, Hiri_Motu, Hmong, Ido, Igbo, Ilocano, Inuktitut, Inupiaq, Iu_Mien, Javanese, Kalaallisut/Greenlandic, Kannada, Kanuri, Kashmiri, Kazakh, Khasi, Khmer/Cambodian, Kikuyu, Kimbundu, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiz, Krio, Komi, Kongo, Konkani, Koyraboro_Senni, Kpelle, Kuanyama, Kunama, Kurukh, Kwanyama, Kyrgyz, Lao/Laothian, Limburgish, Lingala, Luba-Katanga, Luganda, Luo, Luxembourgish, Maithili, Malagasy, Maltese, Mandinka, Maninka, Manipuri (Meitei, Meithei), Manx, Maori, Marshallese, Maay, Mina, Mizo, Mongolian, Moore, Nauru, Navajo, Nahuatl, Ndonga, North Ndebele, Northern Min, Northern Sami, Nuer, Nyanja; Chichewa; Chewa, Occitan Provencal, Ojibwa, Oriya, Oromo, Ossetic, Otomi, Palauan, Pali, Papiamentu, Pangasinan, Quechua, Rhaeto-Romance, Rundi, Samoan, Sango, Santhali, Sardinian, Scottish_Gaelic, Sepedi, Sehwi, Shona, Sichuan Yi, Soninke, South Ndebele, Southern Sotho, Susu, Sundanese, Swati, Sylheti, Tahitian, Togo, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Tetum, Temne, Tibetan, Tigre, Tlapaneco, Tonga (Tonga Islands), Tsonga, Tshiluba, Tswana, Tumbuka, Tuvinian, Twi, Udmurt, Umbundu, Venda, Volapuk, Walloon, Welsh, Wolof, Xhosa, Yakkha, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zarma, Zhuang, Zulu
Target language(s): All languages

Details of the project: We are a source for rare languages. We need all rare languages' translators for ongoing collaboration.

This job is potential.

We want to pay for this job 10 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 01/01/2030

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Ferhad Mr.
[Company name hidden]

[Website address hidden]
IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Monday, 10 Jan 2022, 23:31:06

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 106

English native copywriters required: Job 00058305

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: English copywriters needed!

We are looking for copywriters for our new project with field - clothing, footwear, design, retail.


- 5+ years of experience in copywriting;

- English native speakers;

- Links to the text posted on websites or social networks(examples of work).

Please, contact me as soon as possible with your CV.

#copywriters #copywriter

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 11/07/2021

Keep this ad at the site permanently

[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]

IP: (Kremenchug, Ukraine)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Tuesday, 02 Nov 2021, 14:01:13

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 34

English copywriters required (social media content writers): Job 00058277

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: English copywriters needed!

We are looking for copywriters for our new project in the following fields - clothing, footwear, design, retail.


- 5+ years of experience in copywriting;
- English native speakers;
- links to the text posted on websites or social networks(examples of work).

Please, contact me as soon as possible with your CV.

#copywriters #copywriter

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 11/07/2021

Keep this ad at the site permanently

[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]

IP: (Kremenchug, Ukraine)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Monday, 01 Nov 2021, 12:54:04

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 16

English book translators required: Job 00057312

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: English native speakers are needed for future projects!

- English as a native language;
- 5+ years of experience in translation;
- Experience in the book translation.

Please send me your CV and let's work together!

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 09/30/2021

Keep this ad at the site permanently

[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]

IP: (Ukraine)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Sunday, 29 Aug 2021, 12:36:37

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 135

English native translators required: Job 00057061

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: We are looking for native translators for future translation projects!

Contact me if you are English native speakers!

Mandatory requirement: 5+ years in translation and book transition.

This job is potential.

We want to pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 08/31/2021

Keep this ad at the site permanently

[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]

IP: (Kremenchug, Ukraine)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Monday, 09 Aug 2021, 13:33:14

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 94

We are looking for native translators only who are able to translate from their mother tongue to English and/or Arabic: Job 00054998

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): Arabic, English

Details of the project: We are looking for native translators only who are able to translate from their mother tongue to English and/or Arabic.

Our rates are ranging from 0.01 to 0.03 USD.

We accept only human professional translation.

Bachelor in linguistics with proof of experience, we accept only translators we do not accept agencies.

Translator will be subjected to a translation test of at least 250 words unpaid.

This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job to be specified

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 12/31/2021

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Mr. Abdulmajid
Mashariq Legal Translation services

IP: (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Wednesday, 17 Mar 2021, 22:45:07

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 63

Translation service from Divehi (Maldivian) to English required: Job 00050009

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Translation service from Divehi (Maldivian) to English required.

Please also provide us your Skype ID for instant reply.

Thanks & Regards,

Poonam Lamba (Mrs.),

Skype ID: anshintertrade

This job is potential.

We want to pay for this job please quote

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 04/23/2020

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Poonam Lamb
Ansh Intertrade Pvt Ltd

IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Tuesday, 14 Apr 2020, 16:51:32

This job has been closed.

Check out this job opportunity from Appen Connect!: Job 00049836

Source language(s): Dzongkha, Divehi, Azerbaijani, Khmer/Cambodian, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek, Mongolian
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Project Overview:

Linguistic consulting on an as-needed basis, ranging from syntactic and morphological language analysis to short translation tasks.

 Volume of the task: the whole task should not take more than 2 hours
 Data type: translation or reviewing of terms related to gender and sexuality
 Pay rate varies on each locale
 Timeline of the project: once confirmed, ICs will have 2-5 days to complete this short task.

This job is already available.

Special requirements to the applicants: We are currently looking for native level speakers of the following languages with translation experience to join our new project:

 Azerbaijani
 Dhivehi
 Dzongkha
 Khmer
 Halh Mongolian
 Tajik
 Turkmen
 Uzbek

Sample text (50 to 200 words): If interested, kindly click the link below to proceed directly with the application.


NOTE: Once your account has been verified, don’t forget to click “qualify” for Nida project.

We are an equal opportunity company and value diversity. We do not discriminate based on race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.

Looking forward in receiving your application!

We want to pay for this job 15 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 04/30/2020

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Avigael Talaguit

IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Monday, 30 Mar 2020, 11:12:11

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 2

We have 13 pages for translation from Divehi into English: Job 00048756

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Dear Translator,

We have total 13 pages (A4) for translation into English. Source language is in Divehi.

Plz contact us shortly.


This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.05 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 12/16/2019

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Indian Certified Translation

IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 13 Dec 2019, 13:49:11

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

We need English to Divehi translators and editors for an ongoing job: Job 00048695

Source language(s): English, Divehi
Target language(s): Divehi, English

Details of the project: Dear colleagues,

We need English to Divehi translators and editors for an ongoing job.

Wordcount: 4800

Pls send your CV, if you are available.

Yours sincerely,

Skype - anithagomathy


This job is already available.

We want to pay for this job 0.01 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 12/19/2019

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Aabheri Transco

IP: (Mumbai, India)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Tuesday, 10 Dec 2019, 07:49:58

This job has been closed.

Looking for Divehi, Kyrgyz & Saraiki to English translators: Job 00046140

Source language(s): Divehi, Kirghiz
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Hi,

Greetings from Somya Translators Pvt Ltd!!

We are looking for translators in the following language pairs for one of our potential projects:

Source Language: Divehi, Kyrgyz & Saraiki
Target Language: English

Content is related to business. Any type of news articles, print media, web articles, etc.

Project is expected to continue for minimum 1 year. Wherein approx 20hrs/week availability of translators are required.

If interested to participate in the above mentioned project then kindly share your updated resume along with per hour translation charges & hourly translation productivity.

More details would be shared with the interested candidates.


This job is potential.

We want to pay for this job 5 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 04/12/2019

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Somya Translators Pvt. Ltd.

IP: (Mumbai, India)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 11 Apr 2019, 10:35:39

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

Maldivian into English (US) work: Job 00041128

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English, US

Details of the project: Dear All,

We are looking for the following language pair.

Maldivian to English (US)

No actual file presented yet but the contents should be related to investment.

Please send to me:
1- Your capability
2- Your rate
3- Your CV

Email: vm at east-localize.com

Thanks a lot!

Karim Zouhier
Global Vendor Manager
EAST Localize
C: +961 81 760609 | Skype: karim.zouhier

This job is potential.

We will pay for this job 5 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 02/12/2018

Keep this ad at the site permanently

EAST Localize

IP: (Beirut, Lebanon)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 08 Feb 2018, 18:27:24

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

Maldivian/Dhivehi natives are invited for a translation job: Job 00040132

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: I need a Maldivian native translator to work on a few tasks urgently.

Those willing to offer their services may apply with their minimum rate/word.


This job is already available.

Special requirements to the applicants: Native Maldivian bilinguals only.

We will pay for this job 0.05 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 11/05/2017

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Project Manager

IP: (India)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 03 Nov 2017, 17:52:23

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

Currently we are looking for translators for Divehi to English translation in the legal domain: Job 00038846

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Currently we are looking for translators for Divehi to English translation in the legal domain.

Payment method: Bank transfer / PayPal

We invite all the related translators to quote on the job posting, along with their CV and best rates ASAP.

Please give us your best possible rate

Please also provide us your Skype ID for instant reply.

We are looking for long term collaboration.

For more information, visit us on www.ansh.com.

Thanks & Regards,


Skype ID: anshtranslate

This job is already available.

We will pay for this job please quote

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 07/06/2017

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Ansh Intertrade Pvt. Ltd

IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Tuesday, 04 Jul 2017, 12:28:33

This job has been closed.

Translation work from Divehi to English: Job 00038695

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Hi,

I trust you are doing splendidly and enjoying the season.

With the best intention, we are writing this to see if there is any possibility that we could work together on a long term.

We are writing from Valuepoint Knowledgeworks, a translation and Localization Company located in India with more than a decade of experience, dedicates itself in providing our clients with highly professional language solutions. We are an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 27001:2013 certified linguistic providers. Our service provision includes Translation, Voice-over, Multimedia, Staffing, Interpretation, Transcription, Sub-titling and so on.

With an ever growing demand in market for qualified translators, we at Knowledgeworks are on the lookout for translators and proof-readers who can join Knowledgeworks family for full-time/Part-time freelance engagements.

What is in store for the translators? One can choose to be associated with a certain domain depending on one’s affiliation. We have a wide range of subject / domain areas such as Health Care, Legal, Manufacturing, Marketing, Banking Finance Investment Sector, IT and E-learning. Over the last decade, we have covered major languages Worldwide, ranging from Indian to South East Asian, European to Middle Eastern languages and more.

We work with freelance translators located world-wide and can undertake jobs for all Indian, most Asian, European and few African languages.

We are currently looking for translators and proofreaders for the Divehi to English.

Our budget for this requirement to 3 INR (0.05 USD).

If you are interested, you may share your updated resume with your domain expertise along with the below details. Also, please mention your Skype ID for easy communication.

We strongly believe that our translators are the greatest asset to US, who are driven by their passion to contribute to Science and Society, and are instrumental in upholding our commitment to Quality.

Should you need any further information/ clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact us.

I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest.

Skype ID: bhavya.m.vpkw

This job is potential.

We will pay for this job 3 INR

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 06/30/2017

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Valuepoint Knowledgeworks

IP: (Bangalore, India)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 16 Jun 2017, 13:14:37

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

A Maldivian (Dhivehi) translator is urgently required: Job 00037827

Source language(s): English, Divehi
Target language(s): Divehi, English

Details of the project: We have a bulk project for which we need a Dhivehi (Maldivian) translator urgently.

This job is already available.

We will pay for this job 15 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 05/31/2017

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline


IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 23 Mar 2017, 11:59:21

This job has been closed.

Maldivan into English transcription work: Job 00037825

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: We have received a new transcription task of 3 mins of video from Maldivan into English.

The videos are available and to be provided upon contact.

If interested, please share with me your rates and updated CV.

Thank you in advance and looking forward to hearing from you.

This job is potential.

We will pay for this job 30 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 03/26/2017

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Yomna ElKhiamy

IP: (Egypt)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 23 Mar 2017, 07:25:48

This job has been closed.

Divehi to English work: Job 00034942

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Currently we are looking for translators for a Divehi to English project.

Payment method: Bank transfer / PayPal

We invite all the related translators to quote on the job posting, along with their CV and best rates ASAP.

Please also provide us your Skype ID for an instant reply.

We are looking for a long-term collaboration.

For more information, visit us on www.ansh.com

Thanks & Regards,


Skype ID: anshanuvaad

Mail ID: anuvaad at ansh.com, database at ansh.com .

This job is already available.

We will pay for this job please quote

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 06/20/2016

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Surbhi Taneja

IP: (Delhi, India)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 16 Jun 2016, 10:32:12

This job has been closed.

Interpretation work in Delhi into Malayalam, Kannada, Assamese, Bengali and Oriya languages: Job 00030728

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Hi,

There is a project of interpretation in Delhi into Malayalam, Kannada, Assamese, Bengali and Oriya languages.

Kindly confirm by return mail if you are available and also confirm your per day charges.

Looking forward to your quick reply.

We will pay for this job 35 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 04/22/2015

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Mrs. Sharda Arora
marigold FIlms

IP: (India)
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Posted on Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015, 09:42:34

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 6

Translators needed for government contracts: Job 00030052

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Piedmont Translations is seeking qualified translators for over 25 different languages listed below. Contractors must be United States citizens currently residing in the US who are willing to undergo a government background screening.

Please don’t apply if you have a criminal record and/or serious credit problems. Keep in mind it may take 3-6 months for you to get approved.

Contractors will primarily be translating audiotapes. Work is flexible and pay is competitive.

Please send your resume or you can apply on our website

Languages include: [All to English]

1- Spanish
2- Arabic
3- Urdu
4- Somali
5- Portuguese Kriol
6- Ewe
7- Fon
8- Hausa
9- Koroboro
10- French Lingala
11- Tamil
12- Bengali
13- Sindhi
14- Kurdish
15- Malay
16- Vietnamese
17- Korean
18- Yoruba
19- Patois
20- Burmese
21- Suriname
22- French Congo
23- Baloochi
24- Turkish
25- Swahili
26- Pashto
27- Farsi

We will pay for this job 30 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 01/01/2016

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Mohamed Hussein
Piedmont Translations

IP: (Reston, United States)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 29 Jan 2015, 05:32:21

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 4

A 2-page police report from the Republic of Maldives to be translated into English: Job 00027047

Source language(s): Divehi, (Maldivian)
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: A 2-page police report from the Republic of Maldives, 1st page is not text-heavy, 2nd page somewhat text-heavy. Urgent and needs to go into English.

Sample text (50 to 200 words): can send you screenshots upon request

We will pay for this job 0.18 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 04/08/2014

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Valeria Delmar
MasterWord Services

IP: (Houston, United States)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 04 Apr 2014, 18:32:23

This job has been closed.

Divehi to English translator required - urgent: Job 00022720

Source language(s): Divehi
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Dear Sir/Mam,

Urgently require a Divehi translator for a project to be delivered today only.

Request you to share your prices and availability.

Prashu Tyagi

We will pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 02/20/2013

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Prashu Tyagi

IP: (Chennai, India)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Wednesday, 20 Feb 2013, 05:24:16

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

Looking for Qualified Linguists in all LP's (Only Native English Speakers): Job 00021086

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: We are always looking to work with more qualified linguists as we continue to grow. Please contact us or send us your resume (CV) if you have legal experience and are interested in working with us.

All applicants must speak English as their mother tongue and be able to provide references.

We will pay for this job 30 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 11/30/2012

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Production Team
Midwest Legal Translation Inc

IP: (West Des Moines, United States)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 25 Oct 2012, 19:02:35

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 4

Work from home writers: Job 00019494

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: We are looking for a team of content
writers to work full time from home. No
prior experience is required but
candidates must submit to a brief test
to prove ability in written English. The
salary will be $200USD to $400USD per
month depending on performance. Please
see www.TRaVBLA.com for further details.
There are 35 positions available
expecting to
start in one month.

We will pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 09/01/2012

Keep this ad at the site permanently


IP: (Dublin, Ireland)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Wednesday, 18 Jul 2012, 23:59:51

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 6

Gain Extra Money in Your Freetimes and Improve Your Foreign Language: Job 00014083

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: Participants that enter qualified translations for terms at TermWiki.com are compensated based on the number of terms they translate.You are paid a token fee for each term which is only 1 US cent per term however when you learn the tips&hintssystem you can easily gain 30-40 USD/day in Your Freetimes and Improve Your Foreign Language . All you have to do to participate in this project is to register on www.termwiki.com/Promote?pid=5E4m569226w82147w8u and start translating termsand you will be paid through PayPal.
This is not a regular translation project and more of a community effort but YOU WILL CONTRIBUTE TO GLOBAL COMMUNICATION AMONG PEOPLE AND NATIONS as a conscious translatorand I would just like to inform my dear collogues about this opportunity.

We will pay for this job 30 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 08/31/2011

Keep this ad at the site permanently


IP: (Turkey)
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Posted on Wednesday, 17 Aug 2011, 04:46:48

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 2

Translators and interpreters are required: Job 00013677

Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): English

Details of the project: UK Language Solutions provides professional interpreting and translation services in over 200 languages across all UK public and private business sectors.

As part of our current recruitment drive, we are looking for interpreters and translators in your local area and other areas accross the UK who are fluent in English and a second language. We recruit linguists for interpreting and translation in ALL languages.

If you are interested in working with us, please register your details at:

Registration is quick and easy and will only take up to 5 minutes.

We are looking for interpreters and translators who can work with us on different assignments such as:

• Hospital and G.P appointments
• Housing interviews
• Solicitor consultations
• Court hearings
• Technical translation
• Certified translation (i.e. Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate)
• Software and marketing translation.

We also need conference and telephonic interpreters, transcribers, subtitling and voiceover translators, DTP translators and BSL interpreters.

Our normal rates for the UK assignmens are as follows (depeding on the nature of the assignment):

Interpreting Fee: £15.00 - £30.00 /per hour
Travel Time: £10.00 - £20.00 /per hour
Mileage: £0.25 - £0.40 /
mile or travel expenses i.e. public transport

International assignment are paid normally paid between 400.00 - 650.00 Euro per day plus hotel, flight, food and other miscellenous expenses.

For more information please visit our website at: www.uklanguagesolutions.co.uk

UK Language Solutions
"Any Language, Any Subject, Anytime”

Special requirements to the applicants: Plase all applicatants should apply online by going to:

We will pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 11/11/2011

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Safina Kausar
UK Language Solutions Ltd

IP: (Stoke-on-trent, United Kingdom)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 22 Jul 2011, 15:09:38

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 2

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