Source language(s): All languages Target language(s): French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Italian, English, Portuguese, Chinese
Details of the project: At OneForma, we invite you to be part of our latest remote project aimed at advancing artificial intelligence and customer sentiment analysis.
Looking for fluent / native speakers of the following languages: de_DE, es_ES, es_MX, es_US, fr_CA, fr_FR, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, pt_BR, zh_CN.
Contribute to identifying negative customer sentiment in synthetic voiceovers by sharing text data from personal emails, SMS-style messages, and notes.
Participants will submit 3 types of text: conversational emails, SMS-style messages, and personal notes. These texts should reflect a natural balance between formal, informal, and friendly tones, and must be representative of the culture of your locale. All submissions must be original (no AI-generated content or copy-pasting).
Compensation will be provided per text submission. Details will be discussed with qualified participants.
Apply today!
This job is: already available.
We want to pay for this job: 0.13 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies
Deadline for applying: 12/29/2024
This posting to be kept / deleted: Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline
Contact person:Jenelyn Acob Company name:Oneforma Country: Select Country IP: (Tokyo, Japan) Posted on: Tuesday, 19 Nov 2024, 05:24:53
Source language(s): All languages
Target language(s): Italian
Details of the project: We are looking for translators for potential projects.
- 5+ years of experience in translation;
- experience in book translation (fields: fiction, technical, culinary, and other);
- Italian as a native language.
Contact me as soon as possible with your CV.
This job is potential.
We want to pay for this job 0.08 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers only
Deadline for applying: 11/30/2021
Keep this ad at the site permanently
[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]
IP: (Kremenchug, Ukraine) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 12 Nov 2021, 20:47:46
Number of applications already submitted for this job: 43
Details of the project: Due to the growth of multilingual packaging, technical and marketing projects with food and drink companies, we are looking to add freelance, experienced, translators and multilingual proofreaders to our team. Please only contact us if you already work in this sector.
This job is potential.
Special requirements to the applicants: Ability to work on Indesign/Illustrator a plus.
We want to pay for this job 20 EUR per hour
Who can apply: Freelancers only
Deadline for applying: 06/30/2021
Keep this ad at the site permanently
[Sender name hidden]
[Company name hidden]
[Website address hidden]
IP: (Radlett, United Kingdom) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Monday, 10 May 2021, 12:50:50
Number of applications already submitted for this job: 9
We 'LinguaInfo Services Pvt. Ltd.' is an ISO 9001-2008 certified language translation company based in Delhi, India.
We are looking for a language trainer, interpreter & adding new resources for our future supplies and to increase our database in different languages for upcoming projects of interpretation and language training.
Kindly let me know if you are willing to join our team.
Any language trainer and interpreter can apply who resides in INDIA.
What we want from you:
Please send your updated resume.
Your daily availability.
Your best rate per hour and per month.
We require any two references.
Please add us on Skype for instant approach (our skype ID: LinguainfoServices)
Details of the project: Hello here, I’m Noe Tissot, CEO of InstanT, a French start up that proposes an app allowing live interpretation with real interpreters.
In one month we’ll release the Android version and before that we need plenty interpreters register and get ready for the moment the service is open to customers. Do you want to be part of it? Depending on whether you’re a professional or an amateur you can be paid 1$ or 0,5$ per minute. Work from anywhere, at anytime, what you need is only a smartphone!
We are already working with more than 500 interpreters but we still need more in order to achieve our vision: an app that is used in all sort of situation in order to break down language barrier.
Sounds interesting? You can get more informations on our website
I'm Noe Tissot, CEO of InstanT, a French start-up that proposes an app allowing instant translation with real interpreters. In one month we'll realease the Android version and before that we need plenty interpreters register and get ready for the moment the service is open to customers. Do you want to be part of it ? Depending on whether you're a professional or an amateur you can be paid 1$ or 0,5$ per minute. Work from anywhere, what you need is only a smartphone !
Sounds interesting ? You can get more informations on our website
Details of the project: MultiLing, un'azienda multinazionale leader da oltre 20 anni nel settore della traduzione e localizzazione, ricerca per importanti gare traduttori/revisori freelance ESCLUSIVAMENTE madrelingua italiana e laureati, con un minimo di 2 anni di esperienza, che traducano dalle
seguenti lingue di origine:
Gli interessati dovranno inviare in un unico email tutta la documentazione seguente in ITALIANO o in INGLESE:
1) CV comprendente ALMENO le seguenti informazioni: contatti telefonici ed email, tariffe per traduzione e revisione in € per parola di origine, settori di specializzazione ed esperienze lavorative dettagliate riguardanti le traduzioni, CAT tool usati e relative versioni, e abilità informatiche.
2) Scansione di una o più lettere di referenze FIRMATE. Sono ammesse anche eventuali fatture che attestino gli anni di esperienza lavorativa in qualità di traduttori freelance. Le referenze e le fatture fornite devono contenere: periodo di lavoro, volume di lavoro eseguito, combinazione linguistica e tipo di documentazione tradotta.
3) Scansioni di diplomi di laurea
4) Scansioni di eventuali certificazioni (se citate nel CV).
Inviare tutta la documentazione in un unico email all'indirizzo a Daniela Milella: e in copia a e
Non saranno considerate tutte le candidature incomplete. Per dubbi o domande, rivolgersi agli email sopraindicati.
Special requirements to the applicants: The price indicated is the maximum value paid for most languages.
We will pay for this job 0.09 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers only
Deadline for applying: 04/03/2011
Keep this ad at the site permanently
Daniela Milella
MultiLing Italy srl
IP: (San Giorgio Ionico, Italy) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Monday, 28 Mar 2011, 14:28:40
Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0
If you can't find here the job announcement you have been notified about or you had seen here before, that means the job has been closed already or the posting was spam or another unacceptable material.