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Blacklisted Translation Outsourcers

Dear Translator,

Before accepting a translation job, you should be sure you will be paid for it. We want to assist you in making correct decisions regarding cooperation with translation outsourcers.

With the help of freelance translators we have been creating a list of outsourcers which have not lived up to their agreements with translators and didn't pay them on time for the completed translation or other freelance job.

The blacklist already includes 800+ outsourcers.

If you have worked with such companies and want to warn other translators, please send us the detailed report in the following format:


1) Outsourcer's name, contact persons, postal address, ALL e-mail addresses, website (if any).

2) Job number (if the job was posted at

3) Did you meet the deadline?

4) Did the outsourcer complain about the quality of your work?

5) Was payment delayed or not received at all?

6) What did the agency answer to your inquiries about payment?

7) Would you work for this outsourcer again?

8) Other comments (if any).


Reports without the above details or sent to us in other formats ARE NOT ACCEPTED. Please note that you  will be able to blacklist an outsourcer only in the case you have not broken the agreement from your side (have provided a high-quality and in time job etc).

Your name/address and the report itself will not be published within the blacklist. We will blacklist only those translation outsourcers reports on which are submitted to us directly. No outsourcers will be blacklisted on the basis of the reports from other payment practices resources - our blacklist is absolutely independent.

We do not guarantee you any response to your report - but that doesn't mean we haven't received it.

Submit your report!

In addition to sending your report to us by e-mail, you are also welcome to post it for everyone at:

We received threats "suggesting" that we remove the list of untrustworthy outsourcers from the "to avoid future problems".

Currently, the blacklist is available only to our members.

Receive 700+ blacklisted translation outsourcers by becoming a member of

In addition to the blacklist and many other benefits, members also receive 30+ Tips on How Not to Be Scammed as a Freelance Translator.


Disclaimer: Please understand that some translation outsourcers placed on the blacklist may not necessarily be untrustworthy. They are the agencies that have been reported to us as such, but it is often impossible to verify the genuineness of the reports. Please use our list just as a guide and do your own verification before declining the orders from these agencies.

The author and publisher of the above mentioned list make no warranties of any kind with regard to the accuracy of the list content and accept no liability of any kind including but not limited to performance, fitness for any particular purpose, or any losses or damages of any kind caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the use of or inability to use this list. No liability will be accepted by the author and publisher of the list for the way in which subscribers or other entities interpret and/or use the list's content.

If you have been deceived and not paid, we advise you to apply to a debt collection agency to receive your payment.

We have compiled a
large list of debt collection agencies - feel free to use it.

We also advise you to read through scam e-mails in order to get familiar with many types of scams.


Thank you so much, I have received, downloaded and opened both Word and PDF documents.

I had an Indian agency sending me big amounts of texts to proofread and others to translate, and I was afraid they'd be one of these untrustworthy agencies.

After checking the list I feel more quiet and can go on collaborating with them with no worries.

Congratulations for the hard work you are doing. Keep it up!

Kind regards,
Fady Abou Nakkoul.
French/Spanish/English to Arabic Translator & Proofreader
fadyabounakkoul at
Madrid, Spain

Thanks alot for the list - I had heard about it reading your site.

It's about time we free-lancers got some defense!

I have worked with three agencies on the list - I was paid, though very late, and after having mailed and called several times, and one agency in the US never paid me.В As I live in France, there was not too much I could do about it.

So I'm sure that the list is quite accurate, and could definately help us defend ourselves against unscrupulous agencies.

Kind regards,

Jacquie Bridonneau
2BTraduction @ wanadoo fr

Thank you very much for managing the list. I think it is the best and most detailed one you can find anywhere.

I am absolutely sure the agency I reported deserves its place on it.

Yours cordially,

Susanne Schoof
Dutch to German translator
susanneschoof @ home nl
The Netherlands

Your site is very useful and I always read what you publish, even though I don't now lack clients, partly through the mailings I made initially.

But the most continuously useful item is The List, which I check carefully every issue as I have lost considerable sums to defaulters in the last few years and this is one of the few ways for freelances to protect themselves.

Best regards

Mike Shields
Technical Translator, Scandinavian languages into English
SMkShlds @ aol com

Dear All,

Thank you very much for this splendid List which already saved me from being trapped by an agency that's somewhere on the list.

Just keep up doing this great job for the translating community!

Best wishes

Marcus Geibel, Germany
info (at) sprachen-geibel de

Thank you for the great service you are doing for translators everywhere, especially in making available a list of deadbeat agencies.

This service alone will justify your existence and make you a valuable tool to all free-lance translators.

Your continued courage in doing this is a lifesaver for those of us who have to depend on getting paid for the work we do and do not have our translations subsidized by some other full time job.

Thank you again!

David Grant Stewart, Sr.
dstewart @ amnix com

I have been a subscriber of the list since its inception and it safely kept me at bay from notorious non-payers.

However, I have found most useful its power of the argument. I would have needed to report over the years more than one non-payer but just the mere mention that a large international community of colleagues has a perfectly unofficial list has been enough to make clearly fraudulent firms pay sometimes within the day.

Naturally, I am using this tool without the mention of the address of the list and only as the very last resort, having tried before all other possible means of getting paid.

Thank you very much!

Maria Bolgar
Budapest, Hungary
mjbolgar @ mail datanet hu

I do wish to express my thanks for your e-mail subscription service. We translators work so hard to provide quality work. When we are not paid in full and within the proper time period for our services, we certainly want others to know so that they can avoid losing income, as we did.

I plan to continue to subscribe to your service and to participate constructively in future.

With all best wishes,

Linda Marianiello
beakspeak @ earthlink net

I absolutely would like to thank you for your useful newletter and assure that the first thing I have done (last week) with my new email address is a new subscription to Translation Directory!

Yours sincerely,


miriamterzi @ e-nay com

I would like to congratulate you on your continuous updates and cross-referencing of the list. Your list is a welcome supplement to other well-known, existing review boards, as it is presented without comments.

Getting work is one thing, but finding out if you will actually be paid is another.

Keep up the good work!

Natasha Cloutier
Chez Natasha
The Netherlands
natasha @ cheznatasha nl

I have been receiving the TranslatortinDirectory for several months now and am always surprised at the wealth of highly useful and extremely practical information that is being conveyed to translators worldwide. The indication of different articles encompassing the most varied subjects within the realm of the world of translation is really an outstanding feature, because it opens up so many new horizons to us, who are always wishful to graps more knowledge within our specific area of activity.

Secondly, the List is also extremely helpful, in providing safe guidance to avoid translators getting into problems in collecting payments. What could be expanded in TranslationDirectory though, is a more encompassing indication of sources of (specialized and multilingual ) dictionaries, CAT-tools, etc.).

Greetings from Rio.

Adolpho J Silva
Accredited Translator

translator @ sadhana net

This list has been extremely helpful to me. I always look through it before I accept a job from a new client. The people who run this list had an open ear when I first reported an untrustworthy agency. I found them very supportive and effective. They react quickly whenever I approach them with a question or a problem. You are a "must have" for every translator and I have and will happily pass/ed you on to my friends and colleagues.

Thank you very much!


Julia Baker
English>German Translator
Never Lost For Words ...
2635 University Court #3
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Phone/Fax (513) 281 2794
Cell (513) 235 7048

I've just discovered your service and think it is absolutely brilliant. As individuals and small businesses, we are widely dispersed and economically weak, so anything that helps bring us together for mutual support is more than welcome. I will certainly be recommending you to as many of my colleagues as possible.

Mike Shields, FITI, MTA, FSFO
Literary and Technical Language Services
(Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, German to top-class, tailored English)
Tel +44 (0)191 489 7055
SMkShlds @ aol com

Thank you very much for your reply to my e-mail and for your valuable
services to the translators' community. I consider myself fortunate to have found your site.

Kind regards,

Vickie Dimitriadou
English > Greek Translator/Consultant
Thessaloniki, Greece
vdim59 @ otenet gr

Dear Translation Directory,

Very many thanks for subscription. Your website and newsletter are really of a big help. Thank you for the efforts to make our work a bit easier.

Kind regards,
Irina Kan
English-Russian Translator
Leeds UK
kan_irina @ hotmail com

Thank you for your list and for keeping it free.

As soon as such a list becomes a paid service, I start distrusting it.

This list contains several parties who have contacted me and I have avoided thanks to you and two or three I have worked for.

Angelina Souren
translations @ smarterscience com

Thank you. You are doing a great job in booting out shady outsources.

God luck and all the best,

Polish into English
English into Polish
zjaniewicz @ hotmail com

Thank you very much for both the newsletter and the list of untrustworthy companies. This is an invaluable resource for translators.

You would not believe how often translators end up not getting paid, especially while working for clients who are located in another country. Hopefully, publishing the name of such clients will prevent other translators from being deceived and drive these clients out of business.

Your service is excellent.

Thank you for your prompt replies and all the help.

Kind regards:
Brigit Nagy
German <=> English translator
Cadraw Corp.
Gloucester, Ontario
cadraw @ travel-net com


I wish I'd known of this service before.

Best wishes from Chicago,

Freelance translator

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for copying me once again on your discussions with Adith Multilingual. Let me just state that I am deeply impressed by your efficiency and that your concern of translators using your website is highly noteworthy.

I have still not been paid by Adith, but will keep you informed as soon as the issue is solved.


English to French translator
adecizancourt at

As you can see through my mails to Adith Multilingual with copy to you they have finally paid. I want to thank you very much for your effort and efficient work. I am sure they would never have paid me if you hadn't taken part in this matter.

In my opinion these people should keep as blacklisted though they pay all the translators as I think this is the way they work and they will continue doing all the time.

Thanks again for your cooperation. Be sure I will recommend your web site; you are very necessary in our industry.

Best regards,

Alicia Nicotera
English - Spanish - English translator
info at

I am thankful to you for the unmatched co-operation you extended to me.

As soon as I reported about the Adith Multilingual Pvt. Ltd. as a non-paying agency, the very next day they contacted me and offered to clear the payment. For one large project, they insisted that the vocabulary used was not correct, whereas they did not ask me anything for around 6 long months, but after six months suddenly when I sent them repeated emails for payment, they told me like that.

But after submitting this agencies name at your site, they contacted me and settle the rest of the amount except this work (carried out in 4-5 days on urgent basis around 10,000 words) I told them to get it checked from independent person, if the translation I carried out is found wrong then I was ready to pay double the amount.

But they did not agree. So ultimately I myself told them to send me rest of the payment and they sent the balance payment immediately.

I am really thankful to you for your prompt action in this regard.

For this whole issue, I am really thankful to your site and swift action you have taken in this regard and that also without taking any money, as your site offers so many facilities free of cost including registration and offers about new jobs. I have really reaped good work from your site as well, it is too good and humane practice please.

Take care, if you ever think to add your site into HINDI language, I will be happy to provide you my fullest co-operation.

Thank you very much
Rajeev Kumar Bangia
English<>Hindi Translator
Delhi, India
rkbangia at

Thank you for your immediate response to my problem.

I would like to inform you that on Friday September 18, 2009 the invoice was finally paid by World Translation Centre.

I thank you for your invaluable and prompt assistance.

Please, keep up the good work.

Best regards,
Emilia Prekate-Kyminas
prekatem at

I would like to thank you for everything you have done to solve my problem with Your Words Translation Agency. Considering how much they have resisted, I am pleased to see that you have been objective and fair and eventually they had to make the payment.

Please be assured that I will exercise ultimate effort to promote your website among other translators in my country and once again thanks for offering such a service to end an everlasting problem of our sector and freelancers.

Yours sincerely
Secil van Dijk
English to Turkish translator
secilvdijk at

Thank you again! Thanks to your list, now I have a (small) hope that maybe they'll pay.

At least, they finally replied after more than a month and a half...

I wish you the very best,

Iulia Movila
Romanian to Spanish translator
magna.trad at

I am happy to announce you that the manager of Habitania finally decided to make the payment!

I am convinced that, if it weren't for your list, I would have waited another 3-4 months without being paid. But fortunately, your services do exist and they proved to be a huge help and protection for translators.

So thank you for that from the bottom of my heart!

Best regards,

Iulia Movila
Romanian to Spanish translator
magna.trad at

Evgeny Marusik photo
Dear TranslationDirectory team,

Thank you very much for helping to resolve the issue!

Baltic Translations have paid their indebtedness in full, although I actually lost any hope of getting paid after half a year of waiting and fruitless communication. I'll be recommending your website to my colleagues.

All my best wishes for of all you, and thank you once again!

Best regards,
Evgeny Marusik
English to Russian Translator
Wroclaw, Poland
esmarusik at

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your support and prompt action. I have no words to express my gratitude for Translation Directory.

After your notice was served to Earth Lingua, they have PAID my dues today, hence, now I don't want to blacklist their name...

Thanks once again...

Revati Sapre
English to Marathi Translator
Thane, India
r.sapre249 at


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