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Portuguese to Italian Translators at TranslationDirectory.Com

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# Translator's Name, Country, Rate
1 Francesco Cannizzaro, Italy, Rate per word 0.03-0.03 Euro
2 Maria Meslene Do Nascimento Braz, Brazil, Rate per word 0.05-0.05 Euro
3 Giovanni Lacava, Netherlands, Rate per word 0.05-0.08 Euro
4 Carmela Umbro, Greece, Rate per word 0.20-0.30 Euro
5 Aurora Santini, Italy, Rate per word 0.07-0.08 Euro
6 Federica Marsella, Italy, Rate per word 0.02-0.05 Euro
7 Chiara Rinaldi, Italy, Rate per word 0.10-0.12 Euro
8 Sara Osti, Portugal, Rate per word 0.08-0.10 Euro
9 Luis Spaziani, Brazil, Rate per word 0.05-0.12 Euro
10 Franca Silvestri, Italy, Rate per word 0.06-0.07 Euro
11 Elena Zanetti, Italy, Rate per word 0.04-0.05 Euro
12 Marco Ruzzin, Italy, Rate per word 0.04-0.05 Euro
13 Beatrice Barberis, Italy, Rate per word 0.02-0.08 Euro
14 Concetta Cuppari, Italy, Rate per word 0.10-0.10 Euro
15 Nadia Bonini, Portugal, Rate per word 0.08-0.08 Euro
16 Rossella Ferilli, Italy, Rate per word 0.06-0.07 Euro
17 Laura Pippo, Netherlands, Rate per word 0.03-0.06 Euro
18 Edvan Cardoso, Brazil, Rate per word 0.07-0.25 Euro
19 Carlo Buffo, Brazil, Rate per word 0.12-0.20 Euro
20 Giovanna Molinelli, Italy, Rate per word 0.04-0.07 Euro
21 Elaine Beatriz Pagliaro, Brazil, Rate per word 0.08-0.12 Euro
22 Clarissa Casano, Italy, Rate per word 0.07-0.10 Euro
23 Anna Vaccari, Portugal, Rate per word 0.04-0.05 Euro
24 Arianna Cerini, Italy, Rate per word 0.06-0.08 Euro
25 Sergio Bondioni, Brazil, Rate per word 0.04-0.06 Euro
26 Alice Verni, Italy, Rate per word 0.03-0.07 Euro
27 Giuseppe Moscariello, Brazil, Rate per word 0.04-0.06 Euro
28 Di.be. Translations, UK, Rate per word 0.04-0.09 Euro
29 Milena Rampoldi, Turkey, Rate per word 0.03-0.03 Euro
30 Emerson Pinto, Italy, Rate per word 0.08-0.11 Euro
31 Ilaria Cecconello, Spain, Rate per word 0.06-0.10 Euro
32 Francesco Vitaioli, Italy, Rate per word 0.06-0.10 Euro
33 Martin Daminato, Italy, Rate per word 0.06-0.08 Euro
34 Giuliana Paolillo, Italy, Rate per word 0.06-0.08 Euro
35 Hernandes Miguel, Brazil, Rate per word 0.03-0.07 Euro
36 Andrea Sangiovanni, Italy, Rate per word 0.02-0.02 Euro
37 Ilaria Mutti, Italy, Rate per word 0.06-0.07 Euro
38 Giuseppina Ciullo, UK, Rate per word 0.08-0.10 Euro
39 Elena Ferro, Italy, Rate per word 0.05-0.08 Euro
40 Ilaria Groppi, Italy, Rate per word 0.02-0.05 Euro
41 Maria Paola Fortuna, UK, Rate per word 0.04-0.05 Euro
42 Gianmarco Satta, Italy, Rate per word 0.07-0.10 Euro
43 Margherita Grassi, Netherlands, Rate per word 0.03-0.09 Euro
44 Stefano Pacher, Brazil, Rate per word 0.05-0.09 Euro
45 Ilaria Chiericozzi, Italy, Rate per word 0.02-0.05 Euro
46 Elena Borali, Italy, Rate per word 0.06-0.09 Euro
47 Giovanna A. Meloni, Italy, Rate per word 0.07-0.06 Euro
48 Patrizia Streparava, USA, Rate per word 0.07-0.09 Euro
49 Roberta Magherini, France, Rate per word 0.05-0.20 Euro
50 Marianna Altamura, Ireland, Rate per word 0.05-0.10 Euro
51 Alina Karnics, Hungary, Rate per word 0.03-0.10 Euro
52 Francesco Gagliardi, Italy, Rate per word 0.15-0.20 Euro
53 Giovanni Tucci, Italy, Rate per word 0.08-0.10 Euro
54 Jandayra Da Silva, Italy, Rate per word 0.04-0.04 Euro
55 Francesco Schiavi, Germany, Rate per word 0.07-0.08 Euro
56 Maria Grazia Severino, Italy, Rate per word 0.05-0.07 Euro
57 Laura Pippo, Canada, Rate per word 0.08-0.1 Euro
58 Ieda Pierluca, Brazil, Rate per word 0.03-0.03 Euro
59 Alessandro Bortolotto, Italy, Rate per word 0.03-0.04 Euro
60 Marta Gomes, Portugal, Rate per word 0.06-0.08 Euro
61 Hugo Almeida, Portugal, Rate per word 0.07-0.09 Euro
62 Benedetta De Rose, Italy, Rate per word 0.05-0.08 Euro
63 Veronica Carbonetto, Brazil, Rate per word 0.40-0.50 Euro
64 Federica Ghirardini, Italy, Rate per word 0.04-0.06 Euro
65 Marina Fazio, Italy, Rate per word 0.35-0.50 Euro
66 Bruno Vianello, Brazil, Rate per word 0.35-0.35 Euro

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