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How to Teach Translation

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How to build a successful translation business in Kazakhstan (responsibility, vehement love to your business and the spirit of innovation)
If you are interested in how to grow from a small translation bureau in a furniture shop to a Language Service Provider with a wide network of branches and customers all over the world, we hope to answer this question in our article...
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Healthcare Terminology Teaching/Learning
The goal of this work is to create something that will be of value to nursing students, nursing instructors, ESL and ESP students and instructors, and other English language learners interested in studying English for the healthcare professions. Indeed, among the desired outcomes of this project there are the need to encourage a professional dialogue on hospital English...
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A Comparative Study of Translation Teaching in Iran and Spain
This article seeks to compare university educational system of translation in Iran with that of Spain and also shed light on aims of both systems and how they try to achieve their desirable purposes. At first, a short history of translation teaching at academic level in both countries is provided and then...
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Teaching Translation: A Look at the Way It Is in Iranian Universities and the Way It Should Be
The importance of translation and cross-cultural issues in today's world is nothing new or strange. However, considering this importance, are the programs for translation students efficient and well designed enough to supply the market with acceptable pieces of translation after the students graduate in the field under consideration?..
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Towards more efficient courses of translation
Far away from the theories of equivalence that gained momentum in the translation literature, students at Jordanian universities, private and public, are still in need to learn how to be translators. The aim of this paper is to review the most persisting problems facing Jordanian students of translation in an attempt to come up with practical and viable recommendations on what should be taught in translation courses to meet the needs of the prospective students and give them the real qualifications they aspire to...
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Translator Training: The Need for New Directions
The massive shifts occurring in the industrial (non-literary) translation profession/industry are rapidly altering the way in which industrial translators operate. So far, however, there seems to be little discussion about a possible need for changes in translator training necessitated by these shifts...
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Productive Bilingualism and Translator Education
Recently, two essays on bilingualism and bilingual education caught my eyes with their contradictory views. One is entitled “China to promote bilingual education” on xinhuanet saying that five to ten percent of the total courses in colleges and universities across China will be taught in English, claiming that bilingual education creates a “pure English environment” for students, improves their overall linguistic ability, especially oral English and enabling them to think in a second language...
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English Language Teaching Through the Translation Method
Teaching English to non-natives is always regarded as a daunting task, to which teaching Mongolian Certified Professional Accountants are no exception. Although Mongolia is largely known for its Gobi desert and age-old Buddhist culture and tradition, in this era of globalization, Mongolians are marching neck and neck to compete with the rest of the world. Recently, ICAI organized a three-month training program for Mongolian Certified Professional Accountants in the field of English Language, Business Communication and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)...
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Teaching Evaluation of Classical Chinese Poetry Translation
The three-beauty principle has long been adopted in pedagogy to evaluate classical Chinese poetry translation. However, the result is problematic as the students find it too general and abstract to serve as theoretical guidance. This paper addresses the problem by linking the principle to a set of detailed literary criteria. The study reports an authentic classroom situation in which the students compare four English translations of Chunxiao, a Tang Dynasty masterpiece, and make an attempt to decide which is the most poetic rendering in terms of perception of experience and linguistic devices...
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The Applications of Keywords and Collocations to Translation-Studies and Teaching
This paper investigates the corpora applications to translation studies and teaching. Using the parallel corpus of 17th NCCPC (17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China) as the investigation corpus, this paper disagrees with the opinion of the keywords and collocations which based on an abrupt conclusion without scientific statistic strategy. It is very important for the translator(s) to identify the keywords and key collocations in translation studies and teaching...
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Communication Strategies Do Work!
Most people learn a foreign language to communicate. Through communication, they send and receive messages and negotiate meaning (Rubin and Thompson, 1994: 30). Translation is considered an act of communication. To translate most effectively, the translator should analyze the messages; to do so, he/she should have some tools at hand; such tools can be the well-known communication strategies (CSs) which prevents a communication from disruption...
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Teaching Interpretation in BA Program of Translation in Iranian Universities
The purpose of the following article is to study the present situation of teaching Interpretation in BA Program of Translation in Iranian Universities. Features of present curriculum are mentioned and its weaknesses are discussed. Also, some guidelines are suggested to be considered in the curriculum...
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Corpora in Translation Classrooms
During recent years, a large number of studies within the discipline of translation studies have focused on corpora and their applications in translation classes. Such studies mainly look into the kind of information trainee translators can elicit from corpora and the effect of using corpus data on the quality of translations produced...
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A Glance at the Ailing System of Teaching Translation in Iranian Universities
The age of information explosion has endowed us with huge amounts of information in the form of scientific articles and books mostly produced in developed and industrialized countries. Advances in information technology have made it possible for people in developing countries to have unlimited access to information sources and to exploit them in the process of their development. Effective and efficient use of the information and knowledge in developing countries, however, makes translation of the original sources inevitable...
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Necessity of tech integration into translation training programs
In order to get a job in today's workplace, translators need to acquire higher thinking and the skills they need to survive in a complex, highly technological knowledge-based economy. They also need to learn about different cultures and how to work on a global scale. One key question today is how translator training programs should meet these needs in advance. To meet these requirements, tech integration into translation training curriculum is strongly recommended. This paper seeks to stress importance of tech integration into the system of training translation...
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Teaching foreign languages: grammar training ineffective and harmful
Pitfalls you would want to avoid when trying to learn a foreign language - fist and foremost: do not stress grammar drill!...
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The Effect of the Translator's Gender on Translation Evaluation
This article is an attempt to investigate the relationship between the gender of a translator and the gender of the evaluator of the work of that translator. The researcher hypothesizes that if a male rater is to evaluate a translated text done by both a man and a woman, he would unconsciously choose the translation of the same gender and vice versa. To test this hypothesis, 6o (30 men and 30 women) senior students of the translation training program at the Maritime University of Chabahar were selected and participated in the experiment...
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On the relationship between listening comprehension motivation and listening comprehension among the Iranian EFL learners
The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ listening comprehension (LC) and their English listening comprehension motivation (ELCM). It was also aimed at determining the role of gender and years of university study in LC and ELCM. Sixty four Iranian EFL students (32 males and 32 females), majoring in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at the Marvdasht Azad University participated in this study. They included freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors…
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Translation Evaluation in Educational Settings for Training Purposes: Theories & Applications
In educational settings, as Adab (2000) believes, "translation evaluation is one of the most significant issues which must be addressed duly in order to determine the level of competence achieved by the translator". Adab (ibid) contiues: "besides measuring translation competence, evaluating the target text helps identify areas in which competence is still to be developed". We may argue that it is impossible to evaluate or study translation cometence without considering trenslation product…
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Navigating in a New Era: What Kind of Education and Training for Translators?
In the new era of industrial translation environment in which we industrial (i.e., non-literary) translators are now operating, translated text has moved from paper to a screen, and much of it comes forth, ready made, from the storage yard of computer memory, needing only to be edited and supplemented to fit a particular context…
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The Acquisition of Translation Competence through Textual Genre
In recent years the concept of translation competence has steadily gained acceptance up to the point where it has now become the most widely discussed issue in relation to translator training. Proof of this can be seen, for example, in the work carried out by Hurtado in the PACTE group (2001) or that of Kelly (2002, 2005, 2006). Translation competence is a complex, multifaceted concept that takes in a number of different aspects…
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El análisis crítico de traducciones literarias en la formación de traductores
Este trabajo pretende destacar que el análisis y evaluación de textos literarios traducidos puede contribuir de forma significativa a que los alumnos de Traducción adquieran y mejoren su competencia traductora en varios niveles…
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Individual Differences in the Translation Process: Differences in the act of translation between two groups of ESL Japanese students
The purpose of this study was to identify the differences in translation processes between Japanese students who have less experience and those who have the experience of having lived in the United States. In order to achieve this goal, participants who were six Japanese students at Indiana University of Pennsylvania were asked to translate a short passage from Japanese to English and then interviewed as to their translation processes…
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Ways of Testing a Translation & Testing and Evaluation in the Translation Classroom
In this article, first different ways of testing a translation is studied. As it will be mentioned, there are five ways to test a translation which consist of comparison with the source language, back – translation, comprehension checks, naturalness and readability testing, and consistency checks…
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Derecho y traductología en la formación del traductor jurídico: una propuesta para el uso de herramientas de formación virtual
La traductología es una disciplina de síntesis que recoge aportaciones de muchos campos del saber tanto en lo que se refiere a modelos conceptuales como a metodologías de investigación. En la práctica de la traducción y la interpretación sucede lo mismo. El profesional requiere, para ejercer, conocimientos de diversos campos y disciplinas…
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How New Technologies Improve Translation Pedagogy
Improving pedagogy is the constant aim of any diligent instructor, and therefore of any translation instructor, too. The requirements and the conditions of modern life, as well as the impact of globalization, are challenges for teaching, as learners need to learn new skills in order to be able to confront them. One of the most important affairs in this framework is the incursion of new technologies, all the more since we have to take into account the Bologna requirements for European higher education…
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On the Test Methods and Translation Criteria Used to Assess Iranian Students’ Translations in Translation Courses
One of the main reasons for students’ dissatisfaction with their exam scores in translation programs is related to the way their translations are evaluated. Although translation courses have been taught for several years in Iranian universities (both Islamic Azad universities and State universities), almost no organized study has been done on the type of tests and the criteria used to assess students' translations…
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Advice For A New ESL Teacher
When you first arrive in your assigned country, the first few minutes can be shocking. The air smells different, the people surging around you are likely different, the looks of buildings and storefronts and wares for sale may all be different…
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Getting Started: Deactivating Stagnation in Writing
Despite a historical event, such as that of a paradigm shift;from product to process, in the domain of the writing pedagogy, student- writers, having been provided with theory and rationale in vogue, are reported to have been found yet debilitated in writing. They still fail to practice the skill of writing as a rewarding process of discovering meaning…
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A Guide to Objective Scrutiny of a Test:
Individual Item Analysis & Overall Test Analysis in Practice

The present study examines important characteristics of the individual items of a test, i.e. Item Facility, Item Discrimination, Choice Distribution as well as the significant feature of overall test, i.e. Reliability. In doing so, four valid vocabulary tests, each comprising 30 items (120 items in total), were administered to an adequate number of subjects majoring in English Translation (32 students, Shahid Chamran University, B.A. Level) as similar as possible to those for whom it is really intended…
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Shifting Sands: Process to Product
Recently, composing is theoretically viewed as a dynamic process via which student-writers discover what they already know. Student-writers, in fact, experience writing as a process of creating meaning. By contrast, student-writers based on the traditional approach were formerly trained to mimetically practice reproducing different types of paragraphs and texts; thus, focusing on the form of the finished product they use and produce…
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How to Test a Test:
Preliminary Procedures & Objective Scrutiny of a Test

On initial appearance, the question may seem blurred and rather complex, but if one takes a systematic and deep look at it, s/he definitely finds out what it actually means. Due to typical definition of a test, i.e. in general, any procedure used to measure a factor or assess some ability; it might appear possible to find at least a clear answer indicating the scope of the question…
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Changing Winds: Product to Process
Almost all the writing classrooms whether of L1 or L2 category are reported to have been seriously frustrated and deflected with almost absolute failure mainly stemming from exclusively attending to product specifications. The classrooms, having been engaged in product writing, their student-writers are seen to have been commonly trained to spend, in vain, their time and energy, radically caring about the structural patterns and formal aspects of language at the expense of meaning…
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Translation Evaluation in Educational Setting for Training Purposes: Theories and Application
The field of Translation Assessment is problematic, and it is often difficult to tell the difference between, e.g., "translation evaluation", "translation criticism", "translation assessment", and "translation quality assessment". Some scholars are concerned with developing models that satisfy the needs of practitioners, thus an empting to bridge the gap between theory and practice…
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Teaching Translation of Text Types with MT Error Analysis and Post-MT Editing
This study investigates whether students develop the concept of text types in translation by using machine translation (MT) errors analysis and post-MT editing. We conducted an MT-based project on twenty undergraduate students in a weekly three-hour MT class that ran for nine hours over three consecutive weeks. Students were asked to analyze lexical-specific and syntactic-level problems in the MT outputs of informative, evocative and expressive text types…
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Six Phases in Teaching Interpretation
This article discusses six phases in teaching interpreting in a classroom atmosphere using semi-authentic and authentic teaching materials to bring the students close to both English and Indonesian real-life environments and exposed to different discourse genres and different English dialects and accents
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Meeting Students’ Expectations in Undergraduate Translation Programs
According to the American Translators Association (Tinsley 1973), completing a translation program does give a student certain skills but does not provide any assurance that these skills will find a ready market. Moreover, an approximate picture of the current and future needs in the field of translation is difficult to obtain and institutions should make this clear to their translation students
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Translation As an Aid in Teaching English as a Second Language
The article analyzes the relationship between translating and teaching English language and translation to foreign students at a university where Italian is the lingua franca
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Is Translation Teachable?
Ever since the first social structures emerged and human beings—who knows, may be even our cave-dwelling ancestors!—started to communicate socially or emotionally with members of their own species from other societies who had devised different codes of communication i.e. those who used different languages, they realized that there was a strong need for a mediator to facilitate this process, without which every such attempt would be like "talking to a brick wall." That was how translation as one of the earliest aids in international relations came into existence
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Using Trados's WinAlign Tool to Teach the Translation Equivalence Concept
This article reports on the pedagogical effectiveness of using a translation memory tool, e.g., Trados's WinAlign, to assist in the teaching of the translation equivalence (TE) concept. Conventionally, translation instructors taught the TE concept using the prescriptive method of lecture and discussion of relevant TE theories. As an alternative, this study proposes the use of the descriptive method to teach the TE concept. The author administered an experimental technology-assisted translation project by engaging a group of graduate students in the editing of Trados's WinAlign-produced translation alignments
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Teaching Translators
When we founded the Brasillis Idiomas Translation Course five years ago, we did so aiming to meet the constant demand of a public that wanted to learn translation techniques from successful professionals in the market. These were people who wanted to change their lives, professionals from diverse areas who sought new horizons
English Portuguese

Teaching The Latin Language In High School
Latin was the language of the Roman Empire. All of the Romance languages, including French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, are directly descended from this native tongue. Our own English language is heavily influenced by roots from the Latin Language…
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Cognitive Orientation In Teaching Writing
The present paper underscores the importance of the cognitive orientation of EFL students in their success in writing courses. A few suggestions are made as to how EFL teachers can put their students on the right cognitive path in their writings…
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Training of Interpreters: Some Suggestions on Sight Translation Teaching
Sight translation has been considered as a part of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation. However, due to recent developments in the fields of business, finance, international trade, science and technology and due to changing market demands, sight translation has gained an extra place beyond consecutive and simultaneous interpretation…
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On Teaching Forms of Address in Translation
Forms of address constitute an important part of everyday communication in every culture, and they therefore should not be disregarded in translation and translator training. The article offers a few practical tips on how to incorporate forms of address into translation classes at university level.
A revised version of this article was presented by the author at the PASE Conference held by the University of Łуdź, Poland, on 5 April 2005…
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The Importance of Teaching Cohesion in Translation on a Textual Level
The article discusses the importance of teaching cohesion in translation on the textual level. Test scores for a school year of Class One before and after teaching are compared to illustrate the point...
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Teaching Proposal Writing to Translators
In an earlier paper published in Translation Journal (Koltay 1998) I argued for a genre-based writing education of translators. My argument was, that translators may be called upon to produce different text genres in a given foreign language that go beyond the scope of translation...
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