Looking for a freelance Chinese to English translation reviewer: Job 00062039
Source language(s): Chinese
Target language(s): English
Details of the project: We are looking for experienced translation reviewers to work on academic manuscripts written in Chinese. To qualify, you must have technical expertise in your field.
In a Translate review assignment, a translate reviewer thoroughly checks and revises an already translated document by comparing it with the source text. The object of the review is to ensure that the translation is:
Accurate in terms of both meaning and subject-specific terminology.
Clear and free of any awkward or unnatural constructions.
Free of any proofreading errors.
Fluency in Chinese (essential)
Native-level fluency in English (essential)
An understanding and knowledge of technical terminology as expressed in the native language as well as in English is highly preferred
Expertise/an advanced degree in any of the following fields:
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