Source language(s): English
Target language(s): English, English with different accents: Indian, Spanish, Chinese, AAVE, Western American, or Southern American.
Details of the project: Work From Home Opportunity!
Data Collection: RING! (US)
OneForma is part of Pactera EDGE, a global digital and technology services company. We bring together data, intelligence, and experiences to deliver human-centric solutions to complex business challenges.
We are looking for participants who will complete short phone calls (2-5 minutes) about certain topics from different devices or VOIP tools (mobile, landline, skype, zoom, etc.) which will be recorded for the purposes of the project.
This project aims to improve the AI behind calls with automatic machines, so the quality and the experience are enhanced.
Main requirements:
• You are a proficient speaker of English with different accents: Indian, Spanish, Chinese, AAVE, Western American, or Southern American. US English. We are looking for participants who can speak English with different accents: Indian, Spanish, Chinese, AAVE, Western American, or Southern American.
• You will complete 5 calls with each call lasting 2-5 minutes; 2 calls per day, to be completed up to 2-3 days.
• You need to use at least 2 call sources: landline/cell phone/VOIP/Skype (can borrow family's or friends' phones to make calls)
If you can't find the job announcement you have been notified about or you had seen before, that means the job has been closed already or that posting was unacceptable.