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Job 58325: We are looking for translators from English into Kinyarwanda

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We are looking for translators from English into Kinyarwanda: Job 00058325

Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Kinyarwanda

Details of the project: Dear Translators,

We are looking for translators from English into Kinyarwanda for a project of 93 000 words.

Task: Mainly translation, will also have review and proofreading.

Content: economic.

If you are still interested in this project, we’d also like to know more about you:

- Pls share with me your latest CV.
- Your rates and daily output.

This job is already available.

Special requirements to the applicants: He must have extensive experience in economic translation.

A native Kinyarwanda speaker.

Sample text (50 to 200 words): The concept of commitment has emerged recently in international business literature
especially in explaining importer behaviour as a counterpart of the process of
internationalization. Importer commitment often plays a dominant role as one of the
major factors influencing relationships in the exporter-importer dyad and facilitates
the process of internationalisation by imparting access to the international market.
This critical importer and supplier relationship and its animating factors are, however,
overlooked and largely neglected in the literature. Accordingly, it is inconclusive as to
which factors influence importer commitment and how they influence it. Drawing on
the literature, this study strived to investigate the spectrum of importer commitment
and has explicitly examined eight factors influencing importer commitment to a
foreign supplier by integrating the factors in a comprehensive model. Cultural
similarity between importer and overseas supplier, knowledge and experience of the
importer, the supplier’s competencies, communication between importer and supplier,
the supplier’s opportunism, the importer’s trust, importer transaction-specific
investment, and environmental volatility of the import market have been identified as
possible antecedents of importer commitment. Theoretical foundations are drawn
basically from transaction cost economics, internationalisation process theory and
resource-based theory of the firm to design a basic framework for quantitative
investigation. Further, the study endeavors to gain important insights into the
phenomena related to the trust and commitment building process through qualitative
in-depth interviews. In addition, to validate the qualitative reasoning, a competing
quantitative model is developed where trust plays a mediating role for some of the
predictor variables in the model.

Primary data were collected from a sample of 232 industrial and commercial
importers in a developing country for empirical verification of the quantitative models
using Structural Equation Modeling. As reported in this thesis, the proposed model
with minor modifications fit better with the data compared to the competing model,
and it explained 56% of the variance of importer commitment. However, the analysis
of the modified proposed structural model revealed that ten out of fourteen hypotheses
are significant including five direct paths as antecedents of importer commitment. The
mediating role of trust and opportunism in the model is also supported.

We want to pay for this job 0.50 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 11/07/2021

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Mahmoud Ali
Alliance Translation
IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 04 Nov 2021, 16:34:28

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 12

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