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Job 53009: Freelance translator recruitment

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Freelance translator recruitment: Job 00053009

Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Chinese

Details of the project: 译力亚洲自2006年成立以来,积极发展成为地区强者,


* 具翻译和/ 或相关可证明的工作经验

* 包括母语在内至少两种语言达流利程度,优先考虑新加

* 出色的校对能力,能够识别语法、拼写和标点错误

* 熟悉内容编辑工具

* 熟悉翻译软件

* 优秀的时间管理技能


* 弹性工作地点

* 可获一笔额外收入

* 接触更广泛的工作范围及领域

* 工作由您的选择


ELITE ASIA established in 2006, has evolved into a regional powerhouse that helps businesses navigate effortlessly across East Asia and Southeast Asia. Headquartered in Singapore with offices in Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Japan, we serve multinational companies and regional firms through our innovative language services and solutions powered by TECHNOLOGY and PEOPLE. 

Freelance Translators

We are inviting linguistic talents across East Asia to join our freelancing team. 

Our requirements are as follow:

* Proven work experience as a Translator and/or similar role

* Fluency in at least two languages including your native language preferred from Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Indonesia

* Excellent proofreading skills with the ability to identify grammar, spelling and punctuation errors

* Good knowledge of content editing tools 

* Familiarity with translation software

* Perfect time management skill

Benefits being our Freelancer:  

* Immense flexibility of location

* Opportunity to earn more

* Multi-faceted exposure

* It all about your choice

Interested applicant, please send in your resume to:

Should your application be shortlisted, we will notify you by email.

This job is potential.

We want to pay for this job 0.02 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 11/15/2020

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Katy Tang
Elite Translations
IP: (Central District, Hong Kong)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Monday, 02 Nov 2020, 08:03:42

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

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