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Subtitle translation work in 12 languages: core chemistry: Job 00052302
Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Spanish, French, Dutch, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, German, Chinese, Italian, Turkish, Portuguese, Korean, Russian
Details of the project: Subtitle translation needed: core chemistry.
No of VID: 110
RUN TIME: approximately 5 hours.
ENG Script: will be provided
Video Links: will be provided
Required languages:
1. Spanish
2. French
3. Dutch
4. Hebrew
5. Arabic
6. Japanese
7. German
8. Simplified Chinese
9. Italian
10. Turkish
11. Portuguese
12. Russian
Please apply to this job only if you are an expert & experienced in the domain [Core Chemistry].
We need your best per minute rate and per day capacity in a day how many minutes you can do and your availability if you are available in the weekend.
Payment terms are 60 Days from the date of invoice submission.
Please share your Resume with all the required details.
This job is already available.
We want to pay for this job 100 EUR per hour
Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies
Deadline for applying: 09/21/2020
Keep this ad at the site permanently
Rohini Panicker
Itransmaster solutions
IP: (San Francisco, United States)* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Friday, 18 Sep 2020, 14:30:33
Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0
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