A potential TEP project in the aeronautical field - 6 million words: Job 00041021
Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Chinese
Details of the project: We are on the bidding stage of a huge translation project for Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional.
The project is about Aeronautical material, there will be around 6,000,000 words.
We need an expert technical translator specialized in aeronautical material to handle the proofreading.
If interested, please let me know the following:
1. Language pair
2. Best translation ONLY rate considering the volume
3. Best edition ONLY rate considering the volume
4. Proofreading rate per hour considering the volume
5. Daily capacity for translation
6. Daily capacity for edition
7. Daily capacity for proofreading
8. Your updated CV containing your previous experience in Aeronautical translations
This job is potential.
Special requirements to the applicants: technical translator specialized in aeronautical material
We will pay for this job 0.02 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies
Deadline for applying: 02/03/2018
Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline
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