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Job 38874: An English to French subtitling project (several months, all sorts of content)

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An English to French subtitling project (several months, all sorts of content): Job 00038874

Source language(s): English
Target language(s): French

Details of the project: Hello, everyone:

We're about to begin a large English to European French subtitling project, where we'll be subtitling all the content for an upcoming online television channel focused on mysticism and spirituality: there will be interview shows, documentaries, movies, short films, lectures, trailers...

This client demands a very high-quality job.

The job is to originate subtitles (translating AND timing).
Rate: $6 per video minute.
Estimated Start Date: July 17th

You'll have English subtitles for reference, but the timecodes will need to be adapted while translating, as the original subtitles were done following different specs.

The two requirements are:
1) To use WinCAPS, a professional software (there's the option for inexpensive monthly licenses). You can start by working with the 7-day trial version and then we can offer a 25% discount code. The 1-month license would then go down to about USD $40. We have to meet a minimum of 40-50 hours weekly and we expect this project to extend for several months, so there are tons of work assured. Given the rate, you'd be getting back your investment after 7-8 minutes of subtitling.

2) Given the scope of the project, we'd need to request from each subtitler to commit to deliver a minimum of 2 hours of subtitles per week. Ideally, we'd like to build a consistent team willing to stay with us for the full duration of the project.

We'll be getting a new batch of videos each week and the deadline will always 6 days from receving the material. Excelent translation and timing quality is imperative, as well as respecting the deadlines.

It's also necessary to pass a small 3-minute subtitling test.

*We are only taking translators who have credited experience in subtitling.

If you are interested or have any questions, you can email us to facundoo at, alexc at and almab at

We want to expand our team, we get projects regularly, and this could lead to many other large projects like this one in the near future.

This job is already available.

Special requirements to the applicants: * We are only taking translators who have credited experience in subtitling.

We will pay for this job $6 per video minute

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 08/31/2017

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Facundo Ortiz
BLS Intl
IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 06 Jul 2017, 18:28:12

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

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