English to Simplified Chinese translation work: Job 00038665
Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Chinese, Simplified Chinese
Details of the project: Dear Linguist,
I hope this email finds you well.
We have an urgent client enquiry for English to Simplified Chinese translation. The material is very
technical and related to Dental Implantology.
We are looking for a Chinese translator on an urgent basis who can analyse the document and send us his quote. The client requires 150 Words test translation to be submitted. If you are interested and available, please send me your updated CV with rates as soon as possible.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
This job is potential.
Special requirements to the applicants: Must be experienced in dentistry (Dental Implantology), is ideal if the linguist is based in Shenzhen, China
but is not a necessary requirement. A final year medical student (Dentistry) are also welcome.
Sample text (50 to 200 words): More than 1000 words, in batches it will be a continuing project and linguist once selected will be hired as dedicated partner.
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