English to Chinese technical translation work: Job 00033989
Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Chinese
Details of the project: Dear Translators,
We are about to get a huge project in translating from English to Chinese for about 500 to 600 pages. It is related to technical domain. We request you to mail us your details, your availability, experience, previous work samples and your expected rate per source word.
Special requirements to the applicants: Experienced translators in technical domain is preferable.
Sample text (50 to 200 words): Providing and laying Granular Sub Base below Grade Slab( Flooring) works conforming to Grading I of Table 400.1 and CBR value 30 of MoRTH specification, compacted to thickness of 200 mm with specified graded stone metal and sand mixed in place and laid with mechanical means spreading with motor grader and compacting with vibratory roller having minimum 8 - 10 T vibratory power roller weight to achieve desired density of 98% of MDD including all material, labour, machinery with all leads, lifts and all their incidental charges etc., all complete as directed by Engineer in charge. Clause 401 of MoRTH Specifications. (Payment shall be made for consolidated thickness)
We will pay for this job 0.05 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers only
Deadline for applying: 04/06/2016
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