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Job 31002: Freelance translators/proofreaders are urgently required

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Freelance translators/proofreaders are urgently required: Job 00031002

Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Arabic, Chinese, Indonesian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish

Details of the project: Job Description
Freelance Subtitle Editor (Translator)
English into your native language

Deluxe Media, Deluxe Digital Studios’ Division specializing in Post-Production, Subtitling and Localization Services, is a leading provider of high quality subtitling, closed captioning and translation services for major motion picture studios, film festivals, broadcast, streaming, and cable networks.

Deluxe Media strives to achieve on-time delivery of the highest quality subtitles with 100% specification compliance. We maintain our commitment to these goals by:
• Demanding quality and accountability at each stage of the subtitling process.
• Employing the best translators in the industry with a thorough knowledge of the Subtitle creation process.

Freelance Subtitle Editors/Translators are responsible for creating subtitles in their native language for a wide range of film or television output in a way that conveys the intentions and information of the original language to viewers.

o Translating subtitles from English into native language and proofreading of subtitles in native language ensuring subtitles meet the following criteria:
 Subtitles provide an accurate and clear translation:
• They conform to linguistic, text-typological, and communicative rules and conventions of the target language and culture.
• They convey in denotation and connotation (precise meaning and different layers of meaning, explicit and implied) an accurate and complete message.
• They are consistent in terms of lexical choices, syntactic structures, capitalization, form of address, use of punctuation, formatting, transliteration.
• Address the target audience appropriately (i.e. avoid profanity or regionalisms, attention to use of formal and informal address, word choice to reproduce register, condensing for readability).
 Subtitles comply with specified time and formatting requirements.
 Subtitles reproduce the fluency and spontaneity of spoken language. Subtitles must look natural and idiomatic to the native speakers in the areas where the language is spoken.
o Creation of subtitles in native language from provided script
 Matching subtitles in your native language to original audio with provided script as reference.
 Timing/Retiming of subtitles in your native language to original audio with provided script as reference.
o Quality Checks (consistency, synchronization, accuracy)
 Read-through of existing subtitles to ensure consistency in translation or transliteration of common terms and proper nouns.
 Watch-through of existing subtitles to flag inaccurate timing, missing or unnecessary subtitles.
 Performing technical checks on subtitle files in order to ensure formatting conforms to specified requirements.
 Identifying and explaining the nature of changes/fixes made to subtitle files and filling out reports for client review.

Candidates must meet the following criteria:
Education, Experience and Competencies:
• Have a bachelor’s degree and/or experience related to Translation, Subtitling, Literature, Journalism or Communication
• 2 years of experience in the translation field
• Be computer-oriented and have good knowledge of MS Office Suite
• Have broad cultural literacy and affinity for North American cinema and television

Language Skills:
o Be a native speaker
o Excellent writing skills in native language (impeccable spelling and grammar)
o Ability to produce subtitles in electronic format in native language
o Ability to convey message from original language in native language ensuring viewers understanding of movie
o Ability to condense text while retaining the meaning
o Possess a strong knowledge of the English Language.
o Mastery of spoken English, puns and idiomatic expressions
o Able to communicate in English through e-mail or phone with Translation Coordination team (clarify expectations – timeline, deadline, project specifications)
o Knowledge of other languages is an asset

o Able to provide objective constructive feedback on colleagues’ work.
o Work reflects high attention to detail. Typos, inconsistencies in translation or formatting have a negative impact in viewer’s overall perception of the quality of our subtitles so are not acceptable.
o Flags any quality or technical issues in subtitles to coordinators so issues can be addressed.

Strong work ethics:
o Positive approach to work
o 100% Timely task completion
o Understands how errors in subtitle files can lead to client/viewer dissatisfaction
o Understands the consequences of skipping steps, for example not running spell-check or translating without watching the reference video
o Spirit of collaboration
o Takes responsibility for the quality and delivery of own work at all times
o Open to continuous feedback and receiving performance metrics
o Responsible workload management

Flexible and resourceful:
o Willing to take a Proficiency Test
o Works well with tight deadlines
o Responsive (accessible through phone, e-mail, Skype)
o Willingness to learn how to use proprietary software, to invest time in reading guidelines, and to successfully complete online training program
o Willing to expand knowledge (continuous learning)
o This is freelance work so we cannot guarantee a steady amount of work; however, when available, should be able to working at the benchmark of 500 subtitles boxes of translation per day or 1000 for proofreading.

As a reference, for high-demand languages:
Available on a regular basis for at least 3 consecutive days (for translation work), or two consecutive days (for proofreading work) per week.

As a reference, for low-demand languages:
Available for at least 3 consecutive days (for translation work), or two consecutive days (for proofreading work) per month.

All candidates need to be willing to keep us posted on availability to take on work (holidays, inactivity periods).

IT/PC Requirements:
In order to collaborate with Deluxe, candidates will need to work on our proprietary software. To install it, candidates will need to have access to a computer of adequate capacity. Only candidates with Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7/Windows 8 with at least 4 GB RAM and broadband Internet (with minimum download speed of 4 Mbps) will be considered. Applicants with other operating systems will not be considered as our proprietary software is not compatible with these. Candidates with mobile Internet (3G, 4G) will not be considered due to connection instability for download of assets.
Proficiency Test

The next step, would be to take our Proficiency Test, which consists of two parts.

The first part is a translation test with 60 subtitles you will need to translate from English into your native language. There is no video to accompany the test.
The second part is a proofreading test with a text of around 350 words which you will need to proofread and then create an error report with the suggested fixes.

You will have four continuous hours to complete the test, with a 30-minute grace period in case of technical difficulties. You may begin the test at any time from Monday to Friday or until Saturday morning (Bangalore – IST).

We ask you to perform this test from home in a Word document and create the proofreading error report in Excel. The test will be sent to you via e-mail 15 minutes before the time you have chosen. While taking the test, you are permitted to consult any verb guide, dictionary or Internet resource that you would normally use while translating.

Please note that this test is unpaid, which means that you will not be paid for the time you take to complete the test nor for the translation. By proceeding with the test, you agree to this condition of the application process. The test is used solely to evaluate your translation skills in order to determine whether or not to include you in our translator pool.

No feedback on the test will be provided.

Software and Proofreading Training

Before receiving first assignment, all applicants must successfully complete training that is focused on learning how to use our software and follow our guidelines. The training does not include translation techniques and methods. You will have about two weeks to complete the training, although the actual training tasks should not take more than 8 hours of your time. Keep in mind that you will need to complete and submit a short practice file. You will have more than one attempt in case issues are overlooked at the first take.

You will be able to take the training either via email or through live sessions. The training is unpaid.

If you are interested, please e-mail your resume in Word or PDF format, indicating your native language in the subject line.

We will pay for this job 0.05 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 06/12/2015

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Digi captions
Deluxe media
IP: (Mumbai, India)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Sunday, 17 May 2015, 14:11:28

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

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