3300 source words - product description - German into Korean job: Job 00028400
Source language(s): German
Target language(s): Korean
Details of the project: We are looking for a native speaker to translate 3300 words from German into Korean.
The text can be as a Word file.
Subject: product description for packages.
The translation has to be in high-quality (TEP).
Delivery: Thursday, 14 August, 2014 by email.
Special requirements to the applicants: Experiences with technical translation are absolute necessary.
Sample text (50 to 200 words): Reinigen Sie die Oberfläche um Kratzer bei der weiteren Behandlung zu vermeiden. Geben Sie eine geringe Menge der Politur auf die Oberfläche. Verreiben Sie die Politur mit einem sauberen Tuch sanft auf der Oberfläche, bis sich das Tuch schwarz verfärbt. (Scheuern ist nicht erforderlich; bei verchromten Oberflächen könnte dies zu einem Abrieb der Chromschicht führen.) Entfernen Sie überschüssige Politur mit einem Baumwolltuch.
We will pay for this job 0.12 EUR per word
Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies
Deadline for applying: 08/11/2014
Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline
If you can't find the job announcement you have been notified about or you had seen before, that means the job has been closed already or that posting was unacceptable.