Donation and contacts document, 1,500 words, to be translated into 8 languages: Job 00028118
Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Taiwanese, Malay, Indonesian
Details of the project: We have a document in English that requires translating into the following languages:
The document is from a charity organisation and contains information in regards to making donations, contacts and price points.
These documents need to be translated by Sunday 13th July 2014 9pm GMT.
If you can only cover one language, do please still send your application through. We are happy to work with an individual translator for each language.
Please offer your best rate.
Special requirements to the applicants: Quick turnaround, best rate.
Sample text (50 to 200 words): For UK only:
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a simple scheme that allows charities to recover the tax already paid on donations made in the last four years at no extra cost to you. By reclaiming tax from Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC), Gift Aid is a great way for you to help
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