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Job 26329: English to Urdu translation 35 pages

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English to Urdu translation 35 pages: Job 00026329

Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Urdu

Details of the project: Need a native Urdu speaker with MA in English. Supply a sample translation or we can send you one page to translate.

Sample text (50 to 200 words): Not the End

The tearing apart of Pakistan in 1971 was something few Pakistanis, who were of age in 1971 will ever forget. There isn’t a family of Stranded Pakistanis or returnees from East Pakistan who came out completely unscathed from the disaster. While many effectees are no longer living the stories of the tragedy are being transferred from the older to the younger generation. This narrative is anecdotal, limited to personal experiences. These stories give people a sense of how things came to be or why. This is called oral history. Oral history is rich in emotion and credibility but each person has a very small part of the whole story. Oral history is part of every culture. Author feels that oral history of Stranded Pakistanis in particular and of Pakistan’s Urdu-speaking community in general is being neglected. There is a real need for recording it in words and pictures. Human observations and memory are notoriously short and unreliable. Hence the need for written history based on comprehensive collection of facts by dispassionate professionals such as journalists, scholars and historians.

At the time of publication of this book, it has been more than four decades since secession of East Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh. Author feels an obligation to explain why this book is necessary and how it is different from many other books written on this subject by numerous individuals in several countries. If history is an account of events written mostly by the victors, it is truer about the civil war in Pakistan and secession of Bangladesh, than in any other instance. There are no books that narrate the story of Stranded Pakistanis truthfully and in full.

In Bangladesh they have dedicated a museum to their 9 month long struggle for secession from Pakistan. Writing about war atrocities of Pakistanis and Biharis in English and Bangla is a cottage industry. As for Pakistan most books about that era were written by political types or former officers of Pakistani forces. Political types would like to prove a number of things to the reader. For example that they were completely blameless in the matter, that had the country paid the slightest heed to their or their party’s ideas and plans the calamity could have been avoided. The officers of the Pakistan forces at best concentrate on factual description of events. While others devoted much ink to the valiant defense they put up to protect the homeland from three directions and the enemy within. Except for a few books little has been written about the Stranded Pakistanis or intolerance suffered by the Urdu-speaking in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

There are no books that narrate the story of the Stranded Pakistanis without prejudice. This book is an attempt to tell the whole story of Stranded Pakistanis and present their legal case against Government of Pakistan. The author has researched the subject for seven years in at least three countries. Every scrap of evidence found has been acquired in hardcopy and is in possession of the author. Much of the research has been posted in soft copy on the internet.

The author wants you to know clearly and upfront that he is an advocate of the community he is writing about. He is covenant bound to discover the truth and present it to his readers. The author further states categorically he bears no ill-will against any group, ethnic or otherwise. Author neither proposes nor is authorized to speak on behalf of any group or entity. He has studied one subject: Stranded Pakistanis and Urdu-speaking in Pakistan. Opinions and conclusions expressed by author are his own and he accepts full responsibility for them. He stands by his ideas and is prepared to modify them should sufficient and reliable evidence become available to warrant it.

It would be an understatement to say that government of Pakistanis is not good at telling the truth about anything. The readers know this from experience governments at every level in Pakistan operate in total secrecy. There is good reason for it, because the state is involved heavily in corruption, illegal, immoral or useless things. Text books of today in Bangladesh and Pakistan convey the government approved version of history to the students which makes no mention of Stranded Pakistanis or Biharis or the atrocities they suffered at the hands of both governments.

We will pay for this job 6 EUR per hour

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 01/17/2014

Keep this ad at the site permanently

Syed Kamal

IP: (N/A)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Saturday, 11 Jan 2014, 02:53:31

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

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