English/Chinese translators needed - long term: Job 00025886
Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Chinese
Details of the project: We are looking for EXCELLENT translators who match the following criteria:
- Great language skills and experience
- Exceptional care to details
- Proactive attitude
- Strong will to learn and improve
- Flexible and stable working hours
- Experience in marketing/branding/hospitality fields
- Great Chinese to English translation abilities
- Residing in China, preferable in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and nearby
- Copywriting skills and experiences
We value true talents. Hence, we don't ask for "best rates". Name your price and match
it with a value we'd appreciate.
Show us:
- CV in clear PDF format with necessary information
- Past work samples
- Your expected rate
- A free-of-charge trial translation may be requested. It might contain several short
pieces covering different areas to test your overall capabilities. Please do not contact us
if you are not comfortable with this.
- Please understand we might not respond to all applications. However, we'll try every
means we can to hold your personal information strictly confidential.
Thanks and look forward to connect with the real talents!
If you can't find the job announcement you have been notified about or you had seen before, that means the job has been closed already or that posting was unacceptable.