Proofreading, rewriting, polishing for pharmacy registration, FDA materials: Job 00025772
Source language(s): Chinese
Target language(s): English
Details of the project: Technical writing and documentation for some translated materials from Chinese and make them good files and document for drug and pharmacy registration authority like FDA.
Special requirements to the applicants: Familiar with the style of drug and pharmacy registration,
familiar with Pathology and Pathophysiology, toxicology Pharmacokinetics.
Sample text (50 to 200 words): cycloartanol-based triterpenes acteol,acetylacteol,26-deoxyacteol,Actee a grappes, black cohosh, black root, black snakeroot, bugbane, bug- wort, bugwort rattleroot, cimicifuga, cohosh bugbane, Frauen Wurzel, herbe aux punaises, macrotnys, macrotys, macroty's, natsushirogiku, Qatil el baq, racine d'actee a grappes, rattle root, rattle snake root, rattle top, rattleweed, rich weed, schwarze Schlangenwurzel, squaw root, squawroot, Traubensilberkerze, Wanzenkraut, zilberkaars (7-9).
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