Job 25143: Seeking immediate assistance with translating and presenting a Powerpoint presentation in Changsha, Hunan Province, on Tuesday 17th September
Seeking immediate assistance with translating and presenting a Powerpoint presentation in Changsha, Hunan Province, on Tuesday 17th September: Job 00025143
Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Chinese
Details of the project: We are seeking immediate assistance with translating and presenting a Powerpoint presentation to our client in Changsha, Hunan Province, on Tuesday 17th September.
We need assistance with immediate effect from today, Saturday 14th September, working with us in our hotel in Changsha.
Special requirements to the applicants: We require help for several weeks so wish to negotiate a daily rate please.
Sample text (50 to 200 words): 9.1.1 Graphic panel along entrance wall introducing the house and the reasons to be sustainable.
Living Room :
9.1.2 Printed glass panels with plant leaves showing oxygen bubbles coming from the plants.
9.1.3 Two chairs with grass matting rug
9.1.4 . Glass interpretation panel, explaining how plants can add to your wellbeing. (check with Jane: is this the act of growing plants can make you feel good or medicinal plants)
9.1.5 Shower area – glass panel explaining the benefits of having a shower and not a bath
9.1.6 Toilet area - glass panel explaining how you can save water by not flushing as often and putting a hippo device in the cistern.
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