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Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Norwegian

Details of the project: In order to participate to this tender, we kindly ask you to fill in and sign the attached documents:

Annex 4- Letter of intent
Annex 5 Declaration of honour
Annex 8 - Standard CV- Please add all relevant informations. (Please provide copy of Diplomas, certificates, invoices, letters of reference, etc.)
Please also specify your translation experience:
----Number of translated pages (at least 1,500 pages).[one standard page = 1,500 characters, excluding spaces), (1,000 standard pages = one year’s full-time work]

For experience to be taken into account, it must be accompanied by some acceptable form of proof, such as reference letters, copies of invoices, or certificates, all of which must clearly indicate the volume of work done, the language combination concerned, the field and the person involved in order to be considered as valid. Letters of reference and certificates must be signed and the contact details of the signing person must be indicated therein. In this context, self-declarations or evidence not endorsed by a third party cannot and will not be accepted.

----Please indicate the major specialization among the following fields: legal, intellectual property, finance/economics, medical/health, natural sciences (including the environment), technical (including IT), or other.
----References from clients:Self declarations will not be accepted as means of proof.
----CAT TOOLS: Please indicate owned CAT Tools (specify software versions)
Please indicates your linguistic resources (dictionaries, terminology databases)
Please provide indications of your availability for this tender (i.e. 1000 words/day) and output for review.
Please provide rates for translation and proof reading
Other documents may be required later.

All documents must be (printed and scanned if required), signed and submitted by email to by 03/16/2011. Please provide hand-written signatures, signature pictures won't be accepted.
Thank you very much for your availability and collaboration.

We will pay for this job 0.12 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers only

Deadline for applying: 03/16/2011

Keep this ad at the site permanently


IP: (Brindisi, Italy)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Wednesday, 16 Mar 2011, 10:36:36

Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0

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