ENG to TRD Chinese (Taiwan) translators for TV shows (subtitling): Job 00008240
Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Chinese
Details of the project: Dear Translator,
We're a media localization company based in Seoul and Singapore.
As we've just closed a yearly contract with a major channel, we are looking for more translators and editors who can work with us on English to Traditional Chinese subtitling projects. Content will mostly be documentaries about crimes and investigations.
We are going to provide you with a timecode template and you would need to use a specific software we provide(very easy to use), and fill in each line with Chinese translation.
If you are interested, please get back to with answers to the questions below.
1. Do you have any experiences in subtitling translation? If so, please elaborate a little. (It'd be great if you can send us your resume.)
2. What is your best translation price for ONE episode in USD? (one ep = about 48 minutes)
Remember, we're going to service one entire channel and some content from other clients as well, so the volumn is quite big and steady. Please give us competitive rates.
That's all for now. If your background and rates are within the range we are targetting for, we will get back to you with a short sample translation test.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Seunghee Yoo
Chief Operations Officer
i-Yuno Media Group - Media Management / Language / Post-production Services and Technology
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