We are very glad to have contact with you. We are Beijing Cinta
Translation and Interpretation Co., Ltd. Cinta is a professional
language service corporation and one of the leading linguistic
service suppliers in China. We have an upcoming project needed to
be translated from German to Korean. It would be a large-volumed
project and we want to know your quote for it. We need a test
translation for it. Please send your best quote for this
translation. We are looking forward to hearing from you as soon as
Address: B-1504, Lucky Building, East 3rd Ring North Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Tel: (86-10) 87377005 64652071гЂЂ
Faxпјљ(86-10) 64654930
Skype: cintatrans
Web site:
Special requirements to the applicants: experienced translators,
specialize in marketing or finance
Deadline for applying: 11/14/2007
Keep this ad at the site permanently
Jody Liu
Beijing Cinta Translation and Interpretaion Co.,Ltd.
China * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Tuesday, 13 Nov 2007, 07:16:53
Number of applications already submitted for this job: 0
If you notice a non-payer or scam here, please let translators know in our
If you can't find the job announcement you have been notified about or you had seen before, that means the job has been closed already or that posting was unacceptable.