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Job 24207: IT translation of an HTML page

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IT translation of an HTML page: Job 00024207

Source language(s): English
Target language(s): Slovene

Details of the project: We're looking for a translator to prepare a Slovene version of this HTML page:

The translation MUST be prepared directly in the HTML source file which is available here:

Several HTML comments in the source (“<!-- include… -->”) are there to help with the synchronization of the original and the translations.

Please, leave them as they are.

Also, there are pieces of text that are marked-up with a “class=notranslate” because I believe those do not need to be translated. I may be wrong, of course.

Please, use your own judgement.

Several dates are marked-up as <span class=updated>YYYY-MM-DD</span>. Please, leave those as they are. They are used, e.g., to generate the Atom/RSS feeds.

Several parts of the page are not meant to be translated.

These parts have been marked with red rectangles on the outline here:

Additionally the following phrases should be translated (they are not present in the source code provided but still appear on the page and other pages on the website):

style activity lead


Site navigation

CSS home

Learn & use


Participate in the development of the CSS standard


All specifications and drafts




This is a translation.

It may contain errors or be out of date with respect to

<a href="...">the English version.</a>


About the translations

Special requirements to the applicants: Knowledge of the IT-specific vocabulary, especially related to web standards, HTML and CSS coding, etc.
Experience in technical translations.
Basic knowledge of HTML and experience with direct translations of HTML files.

Sample text (50 to 200 words): Nearly all browsers nowadays support CSS and many other applications do, too. To write CSS, you don't need more than a text editor, but there are many tools available that make it even easier.

Of course, all software has bugs, even after several updates. And some programs are further ahead implementing the latest CSS modules than others. Various sites describe bugs and work-arounds.

We will pay for this job 0.07 EUR per word

Who can apply: Freelancers and agencies

Deadline for applying: 06/25/2013

Keep this ad at the site permanently, but disable applying for this job after the deadline

Bartosz Matusiak

IP: (Poland)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted on Thursday, 20 Jun 2013, 13:12:38

This job has been closed.

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